Page 113 of Oath of Rebellion

And with it, Knox flew over the edge of the balcony.

Wind rushed over him as he blinked, his heart racing as the Edge called to him. He shouldn't have pulled so much magic to make the vines grow so fast and so tall.

A lower gabled roof rose closer, and the stark reality of his situation pressed on him like a weight driving him faster down to his death.

His body ached all over, and when he landed several stories below, he knew it would be all over.

He closed his eyes and accepted his fate, letting the Edge draw nearer. The wind and freedom blew over his skin, scales, and horns, and he relaxed.

Chapter 40

EIRWYN RACED OVER THE flames of the forest to the castle. A large group of villagers led by Scarlet stormed the castle, pushing through the gates as she circled her former home. They fought the guards, but many guards just tossed down their weapons and held their hands up.

Eirwyn looked up at the balcony above them and saw Bella's yellow dress. Eirwyn flapped, pushing a gust of wind to gain altitude to see–

She gasped. Knox and Gastone wrestled on the balcony, and Bella screamed and reached out a hand. Knox slammed back and fell over the railing. She gasped, then shot through the sky like an arrow.

"Knox!" Her cry pierced the air. Eirwyn flew like an avenging angel on wings of shimmering light, wind wrapping around her to keep her airborne.

Her heart raced faster. The next balcony was rapidly approaching as Eirwyn slammed into him, changing his trajectory to a closer roof.

She wrapped her arms and magic around them to slow their fall, wind and shadows swirling. Magic wouldn't keep them from being splattered on the cobblestones below, and adrenaline race through her.

With her arms around him, she couldn't use them as wings. Knox was limp in her arms, and they slammed onto the roof.

They skidded along the tiles toward the edge. She gasped, digging in her heels and sending a burst of wind to slow them. She pulled on the waistband of his pants to keep him from going over.

They slid to a stop, and she panted as she looked below. Her eyes teared at the near death experience, but when she looked at Knox, she forgot all about it. All that mattered was him.

"Knox?" she gasped, wiping her eyes and shifting slowly to kneel beside him.

Tears pricked her eyes as she felt along his chest, pushing the necklace to the side. There was no pulse, and her eyes teared again as she shook her head. "No, no, Knox, don't do this. I'm here. Come back to me."

The soft whisper was lost on the wind, but her heart yearned with all the longing, hope, and love she had to give. She didn't know what to do or how to save him. She began to cry as despair washed over her.

Shadows wove around them, and fear knotted in her stomach at the lack of light in them. It gnawed at her, beating her down and making tears streak down her cheeks.