Page 114 of Oath of Rebellion

She pounded on his chest. "Knox, don't leave me. Please, I can't–please you have to stay with me. I love you. You said mates forever. Stay with me forever, please."

Her mouth found his in a desperate kiss that held nothing back. It begged him to stay, and she whimpered.

At the touch of their lips, magic surged through them, weaving their fates together. Her body began to heat and light, shadows, and wind swirled around them.

Her heart thudded wildly, afraid to hope, afraid to think of what this meant.

Then his tongue teased the seam of her mouth, and she gasped, her eyes flying open as she trembled in his arms. He used the moment to sweep his tongue inside. Her eyes fluttered, and her heart stuttered.

This was more than just a kiss. It was a hello, a promise of eternal mates, and a declaration of love all wrapped up in one.

His lips were soft, and his short whiskers tickled her lips. Their tongues met in a wet, hot slide, and she felt the familiar magic envelop them protectively.

Her heart ached as his tongue dove deeper. She moaned, her hands resting on his chest. Tears trailed down her cheeks at the feel of his heartbeat, the flow of his breath across her face. Their tongues dueled as if speaking some secret language.

She ached for him, and the kiss shifted deeper, wilder, needier. She bit his lip, and the tangy taste of blood teased her senses. The blood brought another swirl of magic. It lifted her hair around them, and his hands came up to rest on her waist. The kiss–their first real kiss–sent electricity through her veins.

Then his lips changed too, no longer soft and welcoming. His nose grew, forcing them to break the kiss. When she pulled back, his body shimmered as magic swirled, and his skin turned green.

He was bigger than a horse, her arms no longer able to hold him. His scales shifted, covering his entire body. The change put too much pressure on the edge of the roof, and it collapsed, plunging them through the debris and air.

She screamed, "Knox!" She gripped him tightly, her eyes closing as they plunged into the courtyard below. Magic swirled through her, wind pushing them up.

She took another breath and then a third one. A tightness squeezed her stomach, but the falling feeling was gone. She opened her eyes.

She blinked and looked around as they soared into the air above the castle. The sun was setting but she was in shadow. Massive claws were wrapped around her waist. She looked up and gasped, her hands holding onto his claws.

"Knox?" It was a question, but she knew the green dragon who held her. His massive head looked down at her in his claws. She spread her arms wide and let her magic create wings, then she tapped his claw that wrapped around her waist.

"Let me go."

He released her, and she soared around him. Her brain took a few seconds to process what she was seeing.

"Oh gods, Knox, you're–you're a full-blooded dragon! I mean, I know you said you were, but this..." She tilted around him, the wind bearing her up.

His entire body was covered in brown and green scales thick as a knight's shield. The emerald and gold necklace hung about his neck just like the dragon in their vision. His horns had grown points as long as her arm. He hissed, a puff of green smoke shooting out and dissolving into the cloud.

Higher they rose above the castle, sweeping through the lowest white cloud.

He beat his leathery wings and thrashed his tail as he learned the size of this body and how to maneuver it. Eirwyn laughed and flapped her arms, her shadow wings now back and keeping her aloft.

"You're really alive! You're alright," she said, a grin splitting her face.

He looked at her and somehow she knew what he was feeling, like what she felt from the birds. He arched a large brow.

Seriously, you think this is alright?

She laughed again and flew toward him, raking her hand along his back to trace over his scales. He shuddered and flapped his wings. She felt him, knew he loved her touch.

"I love you, Knox. I love your dragon form too."

He grinned, his dragon fangs dripping the same green venom that had wrapped his tail before. They flew, swirling around each other. Eirwyn laughed, joy shooting through her to know they were both alive.

Then they flew through a gray smoke, and both of them turned to dip under the clouds.

We have to save the forest and defeat your brother.

Eirwyn nodded. "We need to save my brother, but he can wait. Gastone's injured, but Bella is taking care of him, so let's put out the forest first. But how?"