Prudence was quiet.
I didn’t want to see the look on his face.
I didn’t want to see the judgment I was sure would be there.
“What happened?” he finally asked. It was clear he was trying to be sympathetic, but the man had no idea how to properly infuse emotion into his tone. He always sounded equally blank, equally growly—aside from when he was turned on. Then he got really-really growly.
It seemed I want to fuck you was the only emotion he was well-versed in expressing.
“I trusted the wrong person.” I shook my head, sick all over. “I don’t…I really don’t want to talk about this.”
I thought he’d push.
I thought he’d say something—anything that would make me feel worse.
But he didn’t.
Instead, he just…stayed mercifully quiet.
And when I glanced at him he was watching me with that same dark, assessing gaze I was coming to crave. Like a panther waiting to pounce.
“Okay,” he grunted.
And that was it.
Nothing else.
My laptop screen blinked to life as I jiggled the mouse, some of the weight that had settled on my shoulders lifting as I began to type again. Every few minutes I’d glance over at Prudence only to find him still watching me. His gaze was just as heavy, just as predatory as it always was, despite what I’d admitted. He didn’t interrupt me.
I was grateful.
Honestly, I was grateful to him for more than just this.
I hadn’t cried in three days now, and I knew a lot of that had to do with the fact that he’d shown up in my life. Sure, he’d been here before but…talking to him? Being with him? Was the most normal I’d felt in months. I didn’t have to hide. I didn’t have to lie. Not like when I talked to my mom—not like when I talked to Violet.
Prudence accepted me.
He told me not to change.
He was mean, and dominant, and more than a little sadistic—and he was kinda fucking sweet, actually.
The next week felt like stepping into a sitcom. The German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche once said, “The future influences the present just as much as the past.” That quote hung around my neck like a noose as I calculated every decision I made, trying to find the opportunity to spring my plan on my unsuspecting pink-haired companion. I was playing the long game. Unfortunately, I knew time was not on my side. Soon enough my sisters would discover where I was. I needed to be long gone before then.
At least one thing seemed to be improving, despite my anticipation for the future. The Nothing buzzed at the back of my mind, dark inky fingers reaching to claim me once again, but the longer I stayed away, the weaker its grip became.
This feeling of…peace was unfamiliar.
Luca didn’t seem to understand the power he held over me.
Every command he uttered was to improve my existence, not take from it.
Eat whatever you want, Prudence.
What’s mine is yours.
Touch whatever you want.
Sit on the couch, for god’s sake. Didn’t I tell you what’s mine is yours?