I cocked my head, bit down on my toothbrush to hold it in place, and squinted at myself thoughtfully. Despite the color change, both eyes seemed to work the same. I closed one at a time, testing them out individually, before I ultimately decided that they were functioning just fine.
Icy teal-ish blue. Almost like a glowy popsicle. It was hard to imagine a face that could pull off a color so…striking.
“Is that you?” I asked around the barrel of my toothbrush…except it sounded more like ish-thab-yew?
Hopefully Prudence spoke toothbrush.
Oh good. Still a dick.
A little thrill flipped in my belly as I nodded, then decided it wasn’t realistic to expect a full conversation when I had mint-flavored foam coating my lips and plastic between my teeth. When I’d spit and rinsed I turned back to the mirror again, unsurprised that my eyes were still abnormal. They weren’t the only thing that caught my attention this time, though. At least now that I knew Prudence could see me.
Fuck. My hair was a hot mess. Bubblegum pink, and sticking up like I’d been electrocuted—or—spent a good hour getting it pulled on by a ghost.
“Do you see what I see when you’re inside me like that?” I asked, a little horrified.
Even though I’d literally told him he needed to answer ghost-related questions, it still surprised me that he did. Prudence respected my wishes better than half the boyfriends—let’s be real, all of them—that I’d ever had. It made me feel powerful. Like a ghost whisperer. Or an asshole whisperer. Shit, that was disgusting. I cringed.
“Why aren’t you out?” I blurted a second later. He didn’t answer that question, so I tried again. “I thought you said if I asked you to stay, you would stick around?”
I am around.
“Yeah, okay, sass-man. But you’re not…here-here, you know? You’re there-here.” I pointed accusingly at my reflection in the mirror, only for the ridiculousness of the moment to catch up to me the second I realized what I was doing. Man. I looked out of my mind right now. Scolding my own reflection—
A laugh bubbled up my throat and I snorted, hiding inside my elbow as that one little noise evolved into a full on snicker, that I had no choice but to surrender to.
By the time I finished laughing, my cheeks were flushed, and my heart was fluttering. I couldn’t remember the last time I laughed that hard.
I turned back to the mirror to talk to Prudence again buuuut looking at myself just made me laugh again. This was so wild. Abso-posu-tutely wild.
What’s so funny?
“You? Me? Us?” I gestured between my body and its reflection—and then laughed again as my wet toothbrush dripped on the counter from where it remained firmly gripped inside my other hand. “The fact that I’m like—literally talking to myself right now.”
No you aren’t.
“I kinda am though? I mean, I know you’re there but like…c’mon, dude. Don’t you think this is just a little bit funny?”
And then…to my surprise Prudence huffed. It was the closest thing to a laugh I thought he was probably capable of. This beat out the half snort he’d given me before by miles.
It is a bit weird.
“Yeah, understatement of the century.” I was quiet for a few more minutes as I tried to get my own amusement under control. When I’d finally stopped laughing I rose from where I’d collapsed to my elbows on the wet counter, toothbrush abandoned.
“I want to look at you. Please?”
I hadn’t expected him to respond so immediately.
But he did.
Because the second my eyes flickered to the mirror again, I saw a man staring back at me in place of my reflection.