My heart stuttered to life as a gasp left my lips. Thump, thump, thump. Distantly, I recognized that I was gaping at him, and a startled, amazed squawk escaped my lips. This was some real Belle-in-the-Beast’s-castle-discovering-the-portrait-on-the-wall shit.
Prudence was…fuck.
He was beautiful.
Beautiful in the way a snowstorm was. A shark. A wolf closing in on its newest kill. Vicious, deadly, gorgeous.
His eyes were the same electric blue that I’d seen reflected in my own. Striking. Brutal. Glacial as an iceberg. His thin dark brows were lowered in what I assumed to be a permanent scowl, his lips pulled thin with tension. The tip of his button nose could’ve been called cute if it had belonged on someone else’s face. On him however, it somehow perfectly complemented the sharp angles of his jaw, his cheekbones, and the slope of his nose.
He looked young. About my age. Pale too. So pale he was nearly blue. Tattoos covered almost every inch of his body, spaced apart like his skin was just a frame for the art that was so meticulously painted upon him. Symbols of the grim reaper, ravens, and scythes decorated his arms and neck in a traditional tattoo style I’d always found effortlessly sexy. A moth fluttered along the base of his throat, black spiderwebs covering his neck everywhere the moth couldn’t reach.
I stared.
I stared, and stared, and stared.
Happy? His voice was angry, detached. I watched the way his lips moved with fascination but instead of hearing his voice with my ears the words echoed inside me. Was this…an illusion then? Why was he showing this to me? He clearly didn’t want to.
Just because I’d asked?
That was weirdly polite of him.
“You’re way younger than I thought you’d be—” I blurted, more than a little surprised as I realized that I was looking down at him. “Shorter too.” I blinked. He was shorter than me—by a good seven or so inches. Prudence glared up at me, and a jolt of want so visceral it made my knees weak, bolted through my body. “Tater top,” I muttered under my breath in dazed appreciation.
Then it hit me. The fact he was so young meant that Prudence couldn’t have been more than twenty when he died. Wow. That was…so fucking sad.
“Um. No.” I shook my head to clear the emotional whiplash, dragging my gaze over the swell of his pecs where they tested the fabric of his pulled-tight white t-shirt. “I am very-very-very much not disappointed.” I blinked. His throat bobbed when he swallowed, and my eyes nearly rolled back at the sight of the moth fluttering in response. “Holy shit. I wanna taste your tattoos—with my tongue.”
Prudence cocked his head at me, nostrils flaring. He looked mad. Mad-mad. Oh god. I wanted him to beat me up—with his dick. His eyebrow twitched. Silver glinted.
“Sweet baby Jesus, you have an eyebrow piercing.” I blurted out, clearly having lost my mind.
“And—” My gaze dragged over his stocky figure and I felt my cock twitch and my toes curl against the cold tile floor as I tried to anchor myself. If I’d thought I was obsessed with Prudence before this—wow. Wow. There was no fucking way I was getting rid of him now, risks be damned. “Finger tattoos,” I gasped in reverence. “I love finger tattoos.” I wanted to paint him—my hands twitched helplessly till I was distracted as another realization struck me like a blow to the face.
Those fingers had totally touched my ass earlier.
Oh god.
Prudence’s nostrils flared again and he leaned closer to his side of the mirror, clearly trying to intimidate me. Posturing, like a peacock. I knew there was glass between us, that he wasn’t real. But fuck. He was intense. I should’ve been scared, but I wasn’t. His plan to frighten me into submission didn’t work because instead of falling back in fear, I just honest-to-god whimpered.
“Oh my Lord,” I groaned softly, soaking him up like he was water and I was a sponge on a diet.
What now?
“You’re like—the prettiest thing I’ve ever seen in my entire life, and I am pretty damn sure you can’t be real.”
“Prudence!” I stabbed my finger at him. “You didn’t tell me you were hot! I am having a full-blown crisis right now.” My cheeks were hot as I flapped around like an angry bird. “I wouldn’t have asked to see you if I knew you were this sexy! Jesus. I needed to mentally prepare for this. Why didn’t I mentally prepare?”
What did you think I’d look like?
His blank expression shifted till it was almost curious. Looking at his face was making me want to implode.