Prudence allowed more physical affection than I thought he would. Ignoring the sisters’ watchful gaze I climbed half onto his lap, wrapping my arms around him like an overgrown octopus, soaking up his scent, memorizing the way his knees jabbed into my leg—or his thighs squished beneath my bulk.

Smoke, musk, and magic.


That’s what he smelled like.

He didn’t complain the way he would’ve before. Instead he just held me back, just as tight, his eyes stormy—lost.

Hours later we pulled into a surprisingly normal looking parking lot and Chastity flipped the ignition off with a quiet sigh. Her phone buzzed, and she pried it from her pocket, checking it with a snort.

“What?” Vanity asked.

“Blair just sent me a pic of Boots biting his own foot.” Vanity leaned over to look at the picture, a weirdly mournful expression flitting across her face, before her red lips thinned and she sighed while she straightened.

“Who is Blair?” I asked Prudence, curiously.

“The kid.”

“The…kid?” What kid? I stared at him for a second before the realization struck me. “Oh. That kid.” Amanda’s kid.


Prudence’s sister was friends with the kid he’d tortured?

What a small world.

“C’mon, Vanity.” Chastity urged, glancing at us in the rearview mirror, her dark eyes sympathetic as she pocketed her phone and cocked her head toward the door. “Let’s give them a minute.”

I didn’t want a minute.

I wanted a lifetime.

But clearly I wasn’t going to get that.

When the car was finally empty, I turned to Prudence, a surprising calm washing over me as I waited patiently for him to speak. There were questions dancing in his eyes, confessions he hadn’t made.

“Vanity will take me inside,” he said. Not the words I wanted to hear, but hey, at least it was something. “She’ll be the one to free me.”

To free him.

Like freeing him wasn’t just a euphemism for killing him.

I swallowed the lump in my throat.


“You will stay safely inside the car, where Chastity will keep an eye on you.”

“I don’t need a babysitter.” The thought was absurd. I glared at him. He knew better than anyone how capable I was. I’d shared more of myself with him than I’d ever shared with anyone else. “I’m supposed to go in with you—I’m supposed to flirt out your password from the murder bitch—I’m supposed to—”

“You’re supposed to stay in the car. Protected. Where I want you to be.”

“I know I might die,” I said, ripping apart the last lie between us. Prudence’s eyes grew wide, his jaw dropping open in an expression of shock I hadn’t realized he was even capable of. “I’ve always known.”

His lips thinned, brow furrowing. “How?”
