We begin to form a line. "I gotta go now, Mon. I need to stand with Kingston," I say, nodding towards Matt's best man. "You got this! Just relax."
I turn on my heel, but Monique grabs my wrist and spins me around, her eyes glossy but full of joy. "I love you, Cass," she whispers.
I wink at my best friend. "Love you too, Mon. You look amazing."
And with that, I go and find Kingston. I've only met the man twice, but he seems nice enough.
"Hey," I greet him, offering my arm. "You ready?"
Kingston clears his throat. "I was born ready," he jokes as we emerge through the wooden doors, the melodic plucking of classical harps echoing through the room.
I know I should be focusing on where I'm walking, since someone decided it was a good idea to use tulle as a carpet, but I can't help but look around the room at all the bright and shining smiles of the guests. My eyes wander, trying to place the faces. Who are all of these people? God, if I ever got married, my wedding would be like ten people. If that.
As I scan the room, my eyes land on a pair of crystal blue eyes.Holy fucking shit!I stumble over my feet, almost landing on my face, my heart pounding. What the fuck is Blake doing here? What in the—
"Are you okay?" Kingston asks, propping me back up. "That was a close one!"
"Uh-huh," I mumble as we approach the front of the room.
Kingston lets go of my arm and I move over to the side, gripping the bouquet of lilies in my hand, my eye flickering to the groom's side of the room. Why is he here? Blake's eyes suddenly latch onto mine, stoic and impassive, but there's a ghost of a smirk on his lips.
Oh God, this is going to be a long night.
a good song
"By the authority vested in me by the State of Washington, I pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride."
Oh my God! Kiss faster!
I tap my foot impatiently as I watch Matt suck my best friend's face off. Are they filming a damn porno?Come on, Matt!Hurry the fuck up! There are children present, you degenerate!
No. Dear lord. I need to calm down.
This day is not about me. It's about Monique and Matt and their love.
The fact that Blake Pearson is sitting in the fourth row, staring at me with inquisitive eyes isnotimportant. It's not irking me. It's not driving me completely freaking mental. It's fine.
Once Matt's Dementor-like suction releases Monique's face, they begin making their way down the aisle, googly-eyed and grinning, the rest of us following closely behind. I make sure to keep my eyes on the ground in front of me, as we scurry off to the adjacent ballroom for the reception.
I stop in front of the seating chart and squint as I read all the names of the guests. There are only first names and the first initial of the last name. I scan all the Ps.His name is not on here!Did he crash a wedding?Seriously?That issonot something Blake would do! Adrian, maybe, but Blake? No way in hell. Grunting in frustration, I saunter to the head table and fill my glass up with table wine.Save me, you flushed face inducing adult juice!
I lean against the table and stare at the herds of guests flowing through the reception doors.
Not Blake. Not Blake. Not Blake. Not Blake.
My heart drops to my stomach.
I quickly whip my head around. Be cool. Be calm. Be covert. It's no biggie. Just act casual. Easy breezy. That's right. Just like a Cover Girl.
Straightening out my posture, I peek over my shoulder. Blake's huddled around a group of guys, a couple of them look eerily similar to Blake. Okay, so he knows people here. But how?!
My eyes land on Monique who's at the far corner of the room talking to her new in-laws, her head turns, and she waves at Blake.Waves!Do they know each other? What in the fuck is happening?
Okay! I've had enough. Call me a cat, 'cause I'm about to get killed. Holding my head up high, I traipse over to where Blake is standing.Confidence!