"She'd love it."
It's Sunday.
The big day. It's here.
My beautiful best friend is getting married.
The rehearsal dinner last night waseventful.Combined, Monique and Matt have enough cousins and siblings to start a softball league. When Monique said asmall wedding, I assumed she meant around fifty guests, but no, as I quickly perused the seating chart earlier today, there were over one hundred names, including plus ones.
I sip on my second glass of champagne as I watch Simone help her daughter adjust her veil. God, she looks gorgeous; very Megan Markle, with long satin sleeves, flowing train, elegant and minimalist, just like Mon-Mon.
The rest of the bridesmaids are taking selfies by the window, something about it being the 'perfect lighting'. I'd join in but I don't really know any of them, plus Monique is getting that look on her face, the one that tells me she's about to freak out.
I set my glass down on the table and straighten out my mauve chiffon dress.
"How're you feeling, Mon?" I ask, passing the bride a glass of water. "Excited?"
Monique's breath is uneven, her hands trembling. "I feel like I'm going to pass out."
"Just relax, Mon, it's normal to be nervous. You'll feel so much better once you see Matthew at the altar."
"How do you know that?!" Monique exclaims in a hushed tone, side-eyeing her mother and Ekene. "I can't do this! I'm freaking out! I can't, Cassie! It's too much! Oh my God, what if he says no? What if he doesn't show up?"
Oh lord. I mentally roll up my sleeves.
"Matt loves you, Monique, and you love him. You guys were made for each other. I've never seen a couple more compatible than you two. Just close your eyes and take a moment to relax. Think about all the reasons why you love him, why you said yes in the first place."
Monique nods, closing her eyes. "Okay, okay. I'm breathing. I'm breathing."
"Stop talking," I whisper. "Just take deep breaths. In and out."
Monique's chest rises and falls, her lips slowly quirking up into a smile.
"That's good, Mon," I encourage her. "Keep breathing!"
"Alright, ladies!" a scary woman, with a clipboard, yells. "It's showtime!"
Monique's smile fades away, her eyes bursting open. "Oh my God, Oh my God, Oh my God!"
"Fucking breathe, girl!" I exclaim, my own heart pounding. Why am I suddenly so nervous? Nope. I can't be. I need to hold it together. One of us has to be composed. "It's fine, we're heading downstairs, okay? Just focus on your breathing,okay?"
Monique whimpers as I grab her hand. "Don't let me fall."
"You're wearing flats, honey," I laugh. "I think you'll be fine."
Monique scowls at me. "I'm serious, Cassie. Don't let me fall."
I tighten my grip around her hand as we head downstairs. "I've got you, Mon."
Waiting outside the sturdy wooden doors are Matt's groomsmen, Monique's father, and the cutest little set of twins I've ever seen.
"Alright, listen up," the clipboard lady commands. "Once the music starts playing, flower girls go first." She looks down at the six-year-olds. "Make sure you take small handfuls of flowers, okay?Small!It's a long walk, you gotta regulate."
Dear God, they're children!
"Next, we have the bridesmaids and groomsmen, then the maid of honor with the best man. And finally, dad and the bride. Everyone got it?" We all nod timidly. Damn, she's a beast. "Alright!" She presses a button on her mic set. "Cue the music!"