"Oh, God..." Lucy shakes her head. "What a pig."
"I know!" I cry. "And he didn't deny it."
"Did he explain himself? Why, he lied? Why he—" she sighs.
"Explain what? How miserable he is? How horrible his wife is? How he doesn't love her? How unhappy he is? I don't care how shitty his marriage is, it's not an excuse."
I know Lucy agrees with me. She's had her fair share of shitty relationships.
"God, I hate men," Lucy states harshly.
"They're not all bad," I breathe, Blake's face flashing in my mind. "Some are good. It's me, Lucy.I'mthe problem."
"Oh, honey, stop." Lucy hugs me. "This isn't your fault, you didn't know."
"But I pushed him, Luce. I pushed him. He told me he didn't—"
"You didn't make him cheat, honey. He did that. You're not responsible for his actions."
"If you say so," I murmur, exhaustion taking over my body. I look up at the clock hanging above the mantle. "It's late Lucy, we should go to bed."
I've had enough of this day. This week. This fucking year.
"Okay, I can make up the guest room for you, just give me five minutes."
"No." I shake my head. "I wanna sleep in Ness's room. The floor is fine."
"Okay, but you know how she gets if you wake her up."
I laugh lightly. "I'm sure she'll forgive me just this once."
"Cassie, you gotta eat something," Lucy hollers from the kitchen. "A bagel? Oatmeal?" She pauses. "A mimosa? At least that has fruit in it."
I stare blankly at the TV in front of me, some weekend morning news program is playing. How much makeup do they have to put on the news anchors for their skin to look so clear? Probably tons. I bet it's cakey in person.Hmm.I wonder if anchors ever cry, and if they do, how do they get rid of the bags under their eyes? I should Google that...
"Cassie?" Lucy calls again. "Earth to Cass?"
"I'm not hungry," I mumble, flipping off the TV. I need a change of clothes. Lucy and Ness are both so short. It feels like I'm wearing children's clothing.
"Eat," Ness says from the other couch, her eyes pleading. "Please?"
I roll my eyes. "I'll have a mimosa," I say, smiling at my older cousin. "Happy?"
Ness frowns. "No."
"It has vitamin C, it's good for you."
Ness shakes her head. "Cass... eat."
The doorbell rings and Lucy rushes towards it. "Oh, thank God, you guys are here! Help me!" she exclaims.
"Who is it?" I ask Ness.
"The cavalry," she smiles, nodding towards the door.
I crane my neck to find Monique, Kai, and Axel at the door, each of them holding a takeout container in their hands. Oh, God. Lucy...No!
Why can't I wallow in peace?