Page 35 of Out of Focus

And you think Zach could put his preppiness aside and get freaky in the sheets with me?

Wait, we never said anything about getting freaky.


I mean, I don’t know him well enough to know what he’s like in bed. How freaky are we talking here, red?

Fuck, I really want her to answer me, and I also hope she doesn’t. What the hell am I supposed to do with this kind of knowledge about Charlie?


My requirements are simple: He has to be willing to try all the things I’ve read about in romance novels.


I read romance too, Chuck. ALL the things?




Even the stuff from C.M. Howe’s third book?


I’d like to know what being tied up feels like, yes. But I wouldn’t do that unless I was with someone I completely trusted.

Have you ever tied someone up in bed before?

Jeeeeeeeesus. What. The. Fuck.

Charlie wants to be tied up. I need to digest that information for a minute.

No, wait, that’s a bad idea. Just answer her.


I have.

Honesty and all that…


And? You’ve got to give me more than that, Machado.


With the right person, it can be pretty hot. But it means giving up a lot of control. You up for that?


Like you said, with the right person.

Maybe Zach will be the man to tie my hands above my head, blindfold me, and fuck me until I see stars.

I think I just blacked out.