Fuck me until I see stars.
Hands tied above her head.
Don’t picture it. Don’t picture it. Don’t picture it.
Goddamn it. I’m picturing it.
Damn, Chuck. Blindfold too?
I told you. I want to try it all.
I’m not sure I’ll survive this.
I think I blushed a little, and I’m not a man who blushes. At all. Ever.
And sure, Zach might be the guy to make that happen for her, but there’s a significant part of me that doesn’t want him to be. I don’t know him that well. He’s worked for Aegis for a little over a year, and he’s always been decent. Goes back to visit his mom often, so I know family is important to him. He’s never given me trouble. But does that mean I want to see him with Charlie?
Fuck, I didn’t think this through well enough.
Should we get together on Saturday before your date to prepare? You two are meeting for dinner at 7, so I can come over at 4. That should give us plenty of time.
Yes, please.
4 is fine.
Apartment 712.
See you then.
I smile as my phone vibrates four times in quick succession.
And just like that, the conversation is over.
I need to go for a run.
I call Charlie to buzz me in at 3:53 p.m. on Saturday afternoon and am knocking on her door by 3:54 p.m. She opens it, and the first thing I notice is the way her glossy red hair cascades over her shoulders and down her back in one perfect smooth line. Her hair is nearly straight, shining in the sunlight. Damn, she’s pretty.
“Hey. Sorry, I’m a few minutes early. I hope that’s okay.” I smile at her, taking in the soft makeup she has on and how bright her blue eyes look. Showing up early was intentional. I want her to feel comfortable with me, and a big part of that is being a little early or a little late for things without it being a big deal.
“Of course. Please come in.” I like that her shoulders relax as I walk in. “This isn’t what I’m wearing on the date, by the way,” she adds in quickly.
I chuckle, eyes roaming over her gray leggings and cream oversized sweater. “You look great, red.” Oops. Didn’t mean to say that. I catch the adorable flush of her cheeks, but I pretend not to notice. Today is about building her confidence and making sure she feels good about herself for this date. She walks toward the living room, sitting on the lounge chair I assume is her favorite spot based on the blanket draped over its side and the paperback sitting on the table next to it.
“Thanks for doing this. Where shall we start?” Her legs are crossed in front of her, elbows propped on her knees, and her chin resting on her fists. She’s so fucking cute, and for a second, I forget what we’re even here for.
To get her ready for a date. Not with you.
“I can tell you a little more about Zach if you want?” I have a feeling she wants to be prepared for this.