Page 101 of Out of Focus

“Thanks, man.” Owen lowers his chin and follows Maeve in. Lainey takes my hand and pulls me into the room with them. Raf doesn’t follow. I look back twice, hoping he’ll come through so I can… I don’t know, exactly. But he doesn’t.


put me in, coach.


It’s not what it looks like. It’s not what you think.

Well, at least now I know that this was never real for her. To me, it looked like the fucking love of my life and I were kissing, and like she was trying to tell me something with that kiss, but I guess not.

I keep misreading the situation, which is really frustrating. I thought we could read one another so well.

I arrive at Owen and Maeve’s in a shit mood, but I reel it in because I’m not about to take any of this out on undeserving people.

When I step in, Eva is already at the door, putting something into a duffle bag.

“Hi, Raffy. Thank you so much for coming to stay with Adam and the girls. Their nanny is sick, so the timing is just a little chaotic.” She hugs me tightly, and I let that soothe a little of the hurt in my chest.

“Of course. Sorry, I couldn’t get here any sooner.” I pick her bag up to take over to the car Owen has waiting for her.

“Nonsense. You’re here. And we’re grateful Charlie happened to be with you so you could take her to the hospital.” She winks at me, and I force a smile back.

“Go meet your third grandbaby, Yia Yia.” I open the car door for her and drop the duffle into the back seat. Tapping the top of the car twice, I wave her off and head inside, rolling my shoulders to soothe the tension currently making its home there.

I’m downing a glass of water when Adam strolls into the kitchen. “Hey, Raf. Sorry, I didn’t hear you come in. Agnes decided to fight a nap for the first time in her life.” He rounds the island and comes to me for a hug. “Thanks for being here. I’m sure I would have figured it out on my own, but I’m really glad I don’t have to. Plus, it feels like it’s been a while since we’ve hung out.”

“Yeah, of course. And I miss you, too, buddy.” I pat him on the shoulder as he smiles at me.

“Good. You ready to pull some major uncle duty? I don’t think we’re going to see anyone until at least tomorrow, even if everything goes quickly.” He grimaces, but I can tell he’s not actually worried. It won’t be the first time he takes care of Jules, and he’s latched on to this whole dad thing like an absolute pro, anyway.

“Put me in, coach.” This time, my grin is genuine, and I set aside my own bullshit to take care of this family of ours.

Twelve hours later, I’ve just finished my shift with the girls while Adam sleeps for a few hours. We decided we’d be a better team if we’re well-rested, so he’s just had a solid four-hour sleep, and now, it’s my turn. I’ll be up again just in time for breakfast.

Before letting my head hit the pillow, I text Charlie. She hasn’t sent any updates, so we only know that things are moving slowly because of Eva and Lainey, who have been busy in the group text with updates.


Hey, shorty. Hope you’re doing okay. Do you need anything?

When she doesn’t respond after ten minutes, I decide to just go to sleep. We’ll talk tomorrow.

It’s been over twenty-four hours. She hasn’t responded to any of my messages, but she also hasn’t written anything in the group text, so I try not to take it personally.

Forty-eight hours. That’s how long it’s been since I kissed Charlie. Since I saw her. Since I had any form of contact from her.

I’ve gone home to get clothes, and Adam’s done the same. Owen has assured us none of them need anything because Eva packed absolutely everything they could want, and the hospital also has everything. They each have their own beds, too, so they’ve taken shifts being with Maeve and resting.

Another six hours later, Douglas James came into the world. Little man didn’t wanna leave his mama, it seems. But he’s here now, and they’re both healthy and on their way home after spending a little time at the hospital.

While the girls had their morning naps, I cleaned up around the house and made a fresh batch of cookies with what was in Owen and Maeve’s very well-stocked pantry. They’re not Elaina’s muffins, but they’ll do.

Not wanting to overwhelm Maeve and the baby, I left a few minutes after they arrived, and so did Adam and Elaina, both no doubt exhausted and wanting to get back home for a bit.

Just as I open my front door, my phone buzzes in my hand.