Andrea gets to work on cutting the cake, and Rafael hands out the plates, with the first going to Cece, which is apparently a big deal. I get the second and hear a few oohs and aahs from the younger brothers.
I look at the slice of white cake with whipped cream and strawberries. “Is this?—”
“Strawberry shortcake… cake.” Rafael kisses my cheek. “My favorite.” He winks and returns to his task, making sure everyone has a slice. Yet again, I find my face heating as I keep my eyes on my plate. I smile at the thought that either this really is his favorite, or this is the flavor he chose especially for this year.
Just as Rafael is walking toward me with his own piece of cake, both of our phones start ringing loudly. Mine is somewhere in the house, but Raf has his in his back pocket, so he sets his plate down to look at it. He gives nothing away, his face unchanging. Then he reaches for me, takes my plate, and sets it next to his.
With gentle hands cradling my face, he smiles down at me. “Everything’s okay. It’s Maeve. Her water broke, and they’re on their way to the hospital.” Time comes to a complete standstill as I momentarily forget how to breathe. I watch as Rafael’s expression turns to worry. “Breathe for me, Charlie. Just like me.” He pulls in a deep breath, and I attempt to do the same, though my lungs won’t let me just yet. On the next breath, I get a little more, and he smiles at me. “That’s my girl. You got this.”
By the fifth breath, I’m back to normal, and the severity of the situation hits. “I have to go. But you should stay. It’s your birthday party. Stay. I’ll get a taxi or?—”
“I’m taking you. No question. You’re about to be an aunt, shortcake. For the third time!” His smile widens, and he kisses my lips three times in quick succession, in that way that soothes every nervous feeling in my body and has my hands automatically grabbing at his shirt for purchase. “You ready?”
I’m not, but I nod anyway because we have a couple of hours in the car before we get to the very fancy LA hospital where Maeve is giving birth. Rafael takes my hand and guides me out of the house. When we get to his car, Andrea is there, tucking something into the back seat while Ivan shuts the trunk.
“There are snacks and leftovers packed and enough cake for everyone in a cooler. I put some extra blankets in the back seat because hospitals are always too cold.” Andrea joins her husband beside the SUV. I have no idea when she had time to do all of this.
The rest of the family is out there, too, waiting to say goodbye to us. My heart is so full of emotions that I’m not sure what to do with them all. Raf’s family didn’t even bat an eye at this sudden change in plans, at this disruption to the party they were throwing for their son. They look happy. Completely unbothered. Just like Raf.
Without letting go of my hand, he starts to kiss his parents goodbye. Andrea’s voice is calming, just like the day I spoke to her on the phone. “It’s going to be all right, Charlie. Maeve is strong and she’s going to have her very best friend right there next to her. She’ll be so happy to have your support.” She kisses my cheek and pulls me in for a hug. I let go of Raf’s hand then so that I can hug her back.
“Thank you,” I whisper. “Thank you for your kindness. For raising the most exceptional man I’ve ever known. For welcoming me here.”
“This is your home now, too, Charlie. You are always welcome,” she says into my hair, giving me one last squeeze before letting go.
With tears in my eyes, I hug Ivan, whispering another thank you to him. Then, I hug the entire Machado family, thanking every one of them. I don’t say what for, but it feels like they all know.
I wipe away the last tear as I step into Raf’s car. He’s already inside, ready and waiting to take us to the hospital. He honks as he drives away from his family, who are all standing on the driveway waving us off like we’re newlyweds going on our honeymoon, and the image feels so real, so vivid, that I have to shake my head to rattle it away, forcing myself back into the present.
“Thank you, Raf.” I twist so I can look at him and watch as the wide grin blooms on his handsome face. He takes my hand in his, bringing it up to his lips for three quick kisses, then sets it back on my lap. We drive to the hospital like that, holding hands and listening to the sounds of the tires on the road. He drives calmly and safely, as always, while my mind spins, wondering what my sister is feeling, what tonight is going to be like, whether everything will be okay.
When we arrive, he parks in a short-term spot and walks inside with me, my hand still in his. He seems to know exactly where to go and who to talk to, and I’m thankful for that because I haven’t done anything other than text Maeve to let her know I’m on the way.
We stop in front of a room, and Raf faces me, taking my other hand in his. He opens his mouth to speak, but I get to it first. “Childbirth makes me really nervous. I researched it extensively as a kid, and I just remember it being so scary. So much can go wrong, you know?”
“I get it.” He squeezes my hands. “Maeve is in good hands. Owen will be right there, and you know he’s not going to let anything happen without asking questions. And you’ll be there advocating for her. I won’t tell you everything is going to be okay because I can’t see the future, but I know that Maeve and that baby are going to be well taken care of. That no matter what happens, you’ll be okay because you have family who’s going to be here for you always. I’m here for you. Always. Okay?”
I wrap my arms around his neck and kiss him. I kiss him with everything I’ve got. I kiss him in a way that I hope tells him everything I haven’t said out loud yet.
I love you, this kiss says. I’m helplessly in love with you, and I never want to leave you, my hands say as they caress his neck. You’re the only man I’ll ever love, my body screams as it presses against his.
“Holy fucking shit!”
“Bloody hell!”
I step back, tears running down my cheeks and heart beating in my throat, to look at my sister and my best friend standing side by side with their mouths wide open. Owen is behind them, but his eyes aren’t on me. They’re on Raf, and he doesn’t look surprised; he looks pleased. He raises a hand and gives Raf a thumbs-up. Yep, definitely pleased.
“Uh, it’s not what it looks like. I mean, it is. We were kissing, but it’s not like that. It’s not what you think, I?—”
Maeve keels over then, something between a groan and a growl leaving her body, and I know deep in my bones that I can’t think about whatever this is. I need to focus on my sister and this baby.
Owen is there, holding her hand and massaging her back.
“We need to get you back into that bed, Maevey.” His deep voice is calm, but I can see the slight panic in his eyes.
“Yep. We sure do, darling. Looks like your giant baby is ready to rip apart my minge. Let’s do this.” Maeve takes a few short steps toward the door, and I step into action, holding it open for them.
“I’ll be at your place with Adam and the kids so your mom can be here,” Rafael says to Owen.