“Hey, L.” My eyes move over her whole face, taking in every detail, like the way her eyes look extra emerald green today.
Her eyes and hand land on my beard at the same time. “It’s even longer! Are you playing a yeti in this movie?” She scrunches her nose and then pulls away, smiling. She walks into the apartment, and I take her fully in. Her leggings, cropped T-shirt, and bare feet. Is she trying to kill me?
I reluctantly look away from her body and take in her apartment. It’s much smaller than my own, and Maeve’s identical one, but Elaina’s feels much more inviting. A dog bed lies on the floor and books I had recommended to her line the coffee table. Brightly colored flowers are placed in a vase on the kitchen counter, and a small smile creeps onto my face as I react to her joke about my beard.
“I wasn’t sure how long they needed it, so I just let it grow. It’s so itchy!” I follow her into the living room.
“Ugh, I bet! I tried to let my leg hair grow once and I couldn’t. Everything rubbed against it and it got so itchy. Not my thing! I enjoy being hairless, thankyouverymuch!” She blushes and looks down at Frankie, petting his head absentmindedly. “Anyway, how has your week been?”
Now I’m thinking about how smooth her thighs probably feel under those pants. Damn it. Already? “Uh, good. The week’s been good. I’ve been re-reading the script and Raf and I got to spend some time together before he’s officially on security duty.” She smiles at the mention of Raf. “What have you been doing these last couple of days?”
“Owen and I have been playing tourist all week and we’ve been squeezing in all the sites. Of course, I’m also throwing in some gems I know of after visiting so often. It’s exhausting but in the best way! I almost didn’t make it into PJ’s last night after my shower. I was so ready to pass out!” She blushes again and I’m pretty sure I do, too, now picturing Elaina in nothing but a towel, getting into bed. Is this what being her friend is like? Having to hear about her being smooth, falling asleep with no clothes on? I’m fucked. “Anyway, he’s loving it. And he brought me Frankie, which was such a nice surprise! There’s a dog walker right in the building, so he’s gotten lots of attention while I’m gone all day with O.”
“Good. Good. I’m glad you two had a chance to spend time together.” I’m doing my best to think about Owen now, to keep the images of a towel-clad, hairless Lainey at bay. “I met him yesterday. He’s ummm…”
“Huge? Intimidating? Serious?” She laughs as I nod at every adjective she’s throwing at me. “He’s a big giant teddy bear. I promise.”
“He seems like a great guy. Had nothing but nice things to say about you.” I don’t mention the absolutely terrifying look he shot me when I said I was friends with her. Protective big brother. I understand. And I appreciate why, but I’ll have to win him over.
There’s a knock at the door and Lainey gets up. “I’ll get it. Mind making sure Frankie stays put?” She points to his bed, and he obeys, going to lie down but never taking his eyes off of her. I get it, little dude. I crouch down to pet him and he flops onto his back, giving me his belly to rub. After a minute, I get up and walk to the kitchen.
“Thank you so much. I hope your night turns around! Bye, Pat!” I hear her from the kitchen as she closes the door and skips to the spot next to me.
“Did you know the delivery guy?” I take one of the bags and start opening it up.
“No, but I asked his name and how his night was going. He’s had a couple of difficult customers, so I left him an extra juicy tip.” She opens up a container and inhales a deep breath as the smell of butter chicken fills the room.
“You know that was paid for with a tip, right? Maybe he was just playing you and was after the extra tip?” I’m not as trusting as Elaina, who sees the kindest parts in everyone.
“Well, then he really deserves it! Plus, it’s gotta be hard carting food all over this busy city and I’m sure he gets some shitty attitudes thrown his way, so why not make his night?” She’s bouncing around the kitchen, getting plates, glasses, and cutlery for us. “I don’t care if he lied. Though I really don’t think he did.” She flashes me a bright, toothy grin and walks over to the beverage fridge. I feel the heat spread from my cheeks as my gaze drops to her shapely backside. She grabs something from the bottom shelf and rises slowly, balancing herself with one hand on top of the fridge. “Do you want beer, wine or water? Thanks for getting dinner, by the way. I love Indian food.”
“Umm… whatever you’re having is fine.” Think of Owen, her giant, scary brother! Do not think of her perfectly round ass. Do. Not.
She pops back up with two beer bottles. “Beer it is. This OK?”
My chest swells with anticipation as I nod in reply, and I feel a thrill of pleasure race through me as I imagine doing this night over and over, sharing beers and takeout with this kind-hearted, gorgeous woman before carrying her over my shoulder to the bedroom for…
NOPE! Focus. Fuck, man, what is wrong with you?
We dish out our food, and she heads to the table. “Sorry, I don’t trust myself to eat this on the couch. It will end up all over me!” She waves a hand across her chest and then opens our beers. “Cheers to our first beers together.” She smiles, touching her bottle to mine and taking a drink from it. How is she even sexy when she drinks beer?
The night speeds by while we’re seated on the couch, talking just like we did when we first met. She’s able to see me this time, and the room is brightly illuminated, so I can take in every detail of her. We both stop at two beers, and conversation is easy – as it has always been.
We touch on our high school days, differences revealed now that I can open up more freely. She recalled how she’d dominate the basketball court with her tenacity, while I remembered the pungent scent of menthol cigarettes that my tutor would take smoke-breaks to have. She stayed up late, always ready to work at the local diner that was run by Betty, a tough-loving old lady who took everyone under her wing. I, on the other hand, would often wake up early and perfect my technique in the swimming pool alone. It felt good to reminisce like this; to be so close and so open.
“OK, so what about boys in high school? I bet you were asked out a lot!” I smile, thinking of teenage Elaina driving all the boys crazy.
Her lips are in a tight, straight line and her brows scrunch together. She looks down at her lap. “Andy was my only high school boyfriend.”
Shit. Fuck. Shit, shit, shit.
“Lainey. I’m sorry. I’m so sorry. I’m an asshole —” I’m grabbing my hair and doing my best not to pull it all out. What a dumb-ass move.
“Adam. Stop. It’s fine! You couldn’t have known that.” Her hand is on my knee, and she’s lowered her head, trying to get me to look at her. “I didn’t start dating until I got to NYU. I hated high school boys. They were all so stupid and immature.” She shrugs and opens her mouth, then closes it again like she’s not sure she wants to continue. “When I started college and met the twins, I made it my mission to date as much as possible. I wanted to erase all proof of the girl I used to be. And I succeeded.”
“So it was the college boy you had swooning every night of the week, then.” I should really learn when to shut the fuck up. Was that it? She dated lame frat boys? There’s a long silence as I think about how she told me she tried sleeping around and that didn’t work for her.
“Just ask, Adam.” She smiles at me, resting her cheek on her knuckles as she sits sideways.