Gave the East Coast some love today on the playlist today ;)
I didn’t know that about Tower Bridge! We’ll have to go back sometime.
“Mo Money Mo Problems” - OK, I see you, L. ‘90s rap is your thing
A few songs in you don’t know what my ‘thing’ is yet! I’m full of surprises!
I don’t doubt it.
Your song is ready. Tomorrow: give me a song and your favorite line in it.
OHHHH MY GOSHHHHH! “Let’s Get Married” is a whole jam! Definitely a kitchen dance song.
Lainey, you better not be having a dance party without me.
Hope you and Owen are having a good day.
Ready for you, L. Favorite line: “Could you love me in a Bentley? Could you love me on a bus?”
And I added “Let Me Love You” to the list. Seemed appropriate ;)
I’m sorry, I haven’t looked at my phone all day!
50 Cent - classic.
Fave line today: “Two things I don’t share that’s my money and my mother”
Booked a trip to Paris for a few days on my own. Crossing things off my list! Leaving Sunday!
I don’t think I had heard that song before.
Why Paris? You better make sure I see you before then. Don’t leave without saying bye!
Excuse me, do not insult queen J-Lo like this!
Because I love it there and it’s close and you guys are going to start filming anyway. I don’t want to be in anyone’s way while you’re all busy working.
You’re never in the way.
How about a goodbye dinner tomorrow? I’ll order and come down at 7.
I’d love that. I miss your face.
* * *
I’ve worked out, showered, read through lines, and I’ve just ordered Indian food to be delivered to Lainey’s, so I head down to meet her. I rap my knuckles twice on the wooden door, and I hear a high-pitched bark followed by the sound of tiny paws scratching against the floor. A snuffling sound comes from underneath the door, and a deep growl emanates from the other side. Frankie.
“Oh Frankie, relax!” The door creaks open, and I see Lainey standing in the frame, her russet-colored hair cascading down her narrow shoulders, her fair skin bare of any makeup. Her perfect lips tilt up in a heart-stopping smile, and her bright green eyes sparkle with warmth and curiosity. Beside her, Frankie sits, his small body tense, unsure what to make of me. With a gentle wave, Elaina welcomes me in.
“Hey, Frankie!” I can’t believe I'm greeting the dog first, putting my hands down low, palms up to invite him in. Lainey’s reaction tells me somehow I did the right thing though, as her smile gets even bigger and Frankie sniffs my hand, giving it a lick.
“Oh, my gosh, he likes you! Frankie doesn’t like any men! Ha!” She scratches behind his ear and bends to kiss his head affectionately. Then she does what she does. Lunges into my arms and I unhesitatingly catch her around the waist. “Hi! It’s so good to see you.” She pulls back and her hands linger on my chest as she gazes up at me. “Hi.”