“And I don’t plan on going anywhere, but until you’re comfortable telling me what happened in your past, I’m not saying yes. I love you, but I want all of you. I deserve all of you.”


She silences me with a kiss. “Ask me again when all of this is over. I’ll still be here, loving you and standing by your side.”

“I know what I want. You’re everything to me.”

“I feel the same way, but there’s still so much we don’t know about each other. I won’t look back years from now and wonder if you asked me to marry you because of today’s circumstances and emotional turmoil or whether you did it because you want to spend the rest of your life with me.”

“I’ve known the answer to that question for a while.”

“Then a little while longer won’t hurt.” Her lips find mine in a silencing kiss, and I let her quiet the storm raging inside me. I can do this for her. I know she’s my forever if I’m lucky enough to have it, but it’s not fair to her to ask the same of her right now.

I could be behind bars.

I could lose my medical license, and I would no longer be the great Dr. Harrison she fell in love with.

“As you wish, little one.”

I turn her so her back is against my chest once more, holding her close, breathing in the soft scent of her perfume. Tomorrow could end my career and any hope of a future with my little one.

“No matter how noble your actions may have been, Pierce, I have to suspend you until more is known. What the hell were you thinking?” It pains me to hear my mentor so disappointed. “As Chief of Neuro, you set the tone for the department. As an attending, the residents look to you for guidance. I can’t have you go unpunished for this. You can’t go around getting in fistfights.”

“I wasn’t thinking. He was spitting his poison at his poor wife and child. That boy had old breaks in his films, Joseph. We’ve seen it time and time again, and these guys just get away with it.”

“And we call the police and child protective services. We don’t take matters into our own hands, especially when the hands in question are the most valuable in this hospital.”

“My hand is fine. How is the boy?”

“I did the operation myself. He’s going to be fine. His mother is filing charges against her husband, and there is already a restraining order in place. Security guards are positioned outside his room.”

“Can I speak to the mother?” He looks at me like I just grew a second head.

“Are you out of your mind? No. You are to go nowhere near them. Understood?”

“I just…”

“You’ve done enough. Go and brush up on your golf or whatever else you do. You are not to lift a scalpel in this hospital until further notice.”

“And what of Dr. Perrington? I am her mentor. She needs guidance, Joseph.”

“Are you trying to piss me off, Pierce?” I don’t care what he thinks of me at this point. I’m always going to put Freya’s needs before my own.

“She’s gifted. Don’t punish her for my misdeeds. She is the best resident I’ve seen in years.”

He heaves a sigh, resigned to my judgment. “I’ll ensure she has adequate tutelage. I will be operating on your patients until you return. She can work with me.”

“Thank you, Joseph. I’m sorry I let you down.”

“I hate to admit it, but I understand. It can be difficult to see patients being mistreated with no one to advocate for them. Leave it with me, and we’ll see what happens. You know I’ll go to bat for you with the board, but some things are out of my control.”

“I appreciate it, Joseph.” Shaking his hand, I turn to leave and find Freya lurking in the hallway.

“What happened? Are you okay?” She rushes toward me, any past trepidation at being seen with me at work gone.

“Don’t freak out. Everything is going to be fine.”

“Nothing good is ever prefaced with ‘don’t freak out.’ ”