“You’re asking me to fuck your sub while telling me you don’t want to share her? Fuck no. I value our friendship and my cock.”
“I might not get the chance to finish her training, Flex. I need to know that she can walk this journey without me if it comes to it.”
“You’re not asking for a threesome. You’re asking me to take over training her if you go to fucking prison.”
“Yeah, I am. I love her enough to know she needs the lifestyle. It brought her to life, Flex. It’s been so fucking beautiful to watch. She’s a great sub.”
“This is not the time to be discussing this. You’ve had the day from hell, and you’re not thinking clearly. If you still want to let her try it out in a few weeks when everything has calmed down, then come and talk to me. I’m not a Master. I don’t train. A threesome I can do. The rest… it’s too much responsibility for me, bro. I’m not that guy.”
I start pacing the floor, running my hands through my hair, wondering why the fuck I just asked him to train her. The thought of it kills me. Shreds my insides.
He claps me on the back and pulls me into a man hug. “It’s going to be fine.”
Flex, Dalton, and the other Doms here at Venom are the closest thing I’ve ever had to a family. Meeting Freya—she made me realize I really fucking want someone in my life who is my family and won’t run away when the darkness threatens to pull me under. Knowing that I’ve put that in jeopardy is soul-destroying.
We sit down with Dalton and Nadia, letting her fill me in on what happens now. She’s already called her best friend, who is apparently some kind of computer genius, 1950s gumshoe private investigator to find out everything about the deadbeat dad whose nose I definitely broke earlier today.
“Leave it with us, Pierce. This time next month, this will all be a distant memory. If this guy has been abusing his family for years, it’s only a matter of time before we unearth the other skeletons in his closet. You’re a world-renowned surgeon who was defending an abused four-year-old. There’s no jury who would put you behind bars for that, even if it goes to trial.”
I notice Freya’s absence. She never came back from our private room. “Thanks, Nadia. I really appreciate you helping me out. I’m not sure what I’ll face at work tomorrow, but I’ll sleep easier knowing you guys have my back.”
“Always,” Dalton interjects.
“Excuse me, I’m going to check on my little one.”
“Of course,” they say in unison.
Dalton levels me with a knowing grin. “She’s a keeper, bro. Don’t let her slip through your fingers because you don’t want to face up to shit. Trust me, I know whereof I speak.”
“He does,” Nadia confirms with a conspiratorial wink.
“Thanks, guys.”
I take my leave, needing to set eyes on Freya. I can only imagine what she must think of me. When I reach the playroom, a smile splits my face as I open the door to the sight of Freya nestled under the covers.
“Little one…”
No reply. She’s sound asleep, and I don’t blame her. It’s been a long day.
I shrug out of my clothes and climb in beside her, draping an arm over her waist, pulling her tight to my chest.
“Daddy?” she whispers, stirring from her slumber.
“Yes, little one. It’s me. Go back to sleep.”
She wriggles in my grasp, shuffling around until we’re face to face. “Are you okay?”
“Don’t worry about me. I’ll be fine.” I say it as much for her as I do for myself.
“I know. But I’m here if you want to talk.” The softness in her voice is my undoing.
Nothing else in the world matters when we’re together. The darkness is chased away, leaving only the overwhelming love I feel for this woman.
“Marry me, Freya.”
She stiffens in my arms. “Don’t say things like that.”
“I mean it, little one. I love you. Today just proved to me that you’re my family now. You don’t run when things get difficult.”