“I’m wide awake. Why aren’t you asleep, Sir?”
I consider my answer, not wanting to show any sign of weakness. “I’m a night owl, always working.”
“Me too.”
“Good to know. Maybe the next time we can’t sleep, we can spend some time at the club. I have a bed that’s meant for anything but sleep.”
“I remember it well. The last time I saw it, I had your…” She hesitates.
“My dick in your mouth. You can say it, little one.”
“I’m shy when it comes to stuff like this. That sounds ridiculous, considering I don’t know your name, and I’m talking about giving you a blow job.” There’s something so sweet in her admission.
“I like that you’re shy. Although, you didn’t seem so bashful when I had my head between your legs and a group of people on the other side of a mirror watching you.”
“I’m so embarrassed.” I can just imagine her cheeks blushing and wonder what her face looks like without that mask.
“Don’t be. Everyone has a kink or two. Some of us just have more than others.”
“Do you really believe everyone has a kink? Maybe some people are basic vanilla.”
“You’re not.”
“No, I’m not, and I don’t know how to feel about it.” I hate that she’s torn between meeting society’s idea of ‘normal’ and choosing what makes her happy.
“Well, how did you feel that night? Letting a veritable stranger kiss you there.”
“I loved it. I don’t know how to explain it. I know I shouldn’t want to do stuff like that, but…”
“Who says you’re not allowed to want kink?”
“People.” Her voice becomes small.
“Boyfriends?” The thought makes my jaw tense. How any man could deny her whatever she wants is beyond me. One fool’s error is my gain.
“Yes.” The line goes quiet.
“Current or ex?” I didn’t think to ask when we first met. I’m ninety-nine percent sure I know the answer, but just to be on the safe side.
“Ex. I’m not seeing anyone. I haven’t in a long time.”
“I am glad I’m not stealing you from another man. Don’t get me wrong, I still fucking would, but I’ll sleep easier knowing you’re mine.”
I hear her breath catch, and it’s so goddamn satisfying.
“Is that what I am now that I’ve signed the contract? I’m yours.”
“Yes, little one. You’re mine now.”
“Feminists are spinning in their graves right now,” she says with a nervous giggle.
“Does it bother you?”
“No, but I feel like it should. Women have fought tooth and nail to have the same rights as men. To be independent. And here I am wanting to hand over my autonomy to a man I don’t even know. It seems wrong, yet I want to submit to you with every fiber of my being. What does that say about me?”
“It tells me you are truly an independent, powerful woman.”