“Submission isn’t about giving away part of yourself, little one. You’ll come to learn that it takes strength to ask for what you want and be confident with it. As a submissive, you have complete control when you’re in my private room.”
“Other people won’t see it that way.”
“Who gives a fuck what anyone else thinks? All that matters is how you feel about it. If you don’t enjoy your training, at least you’ll walk away from this experience knowing you were brave enough to explore your sexuality. Do you have any idea how many women crave what you’re asking of me but are too scared to try? When I read through your paperwork, I was so fucking proud of you, little one.”
“Proud… of me?”
“Yes. You’re mine now, and if I teach you nothing else in the next six months, I will teach you to be confident in your sexual desires.”
“I want that. With you.”
“Do you understand I will need to know what you look like at some point? That I want to know whose name to fucking growl when I come inside you.”
She doesn’t say anything for the longest time, and I wonder if I went too far.
“Yes, Sir. I just feel like my anonymity makes asking for what I want a little easier.”
“I understand, but when I deem it to be the right time in your training, I expect you to comply.”
“I will do my best, Sir.”
“Good girl. I appreciate your honesty. Never promise anything you feel you may not be able to fulfill.”
“Sir, why do you want to train me? Why reach out to me in the middle of the night?”
“I want to train you because I see your potential. You will be a breathtaking submissive, little one. I’ve taught enough women to know. I didn’t even need to see your face to be completely in awe of your beauty at the masquerade. As for contacting you at this hour, I enjoy our chats. Is it so difficult to believe that I could be attracted to more than your body?”
“Yes.” Her response cuts like a knife.
“Who hurt you, little one?” I clench my jaw as my body stiffens.
“How do you know that?”
“Because a woman like you doesn’t have such a lack of self-awareness in your sexuality and sensuality unless someone has told you it’s wrong.”
“I shouldn’t let it get to me. I hate that it still affects me years later.”
“Never berate yourself for how you feel. There is no set way to deal with your emotions.”
“Thank you.”
“For what?”
“For understanding me in a way no one else does.” My heart grinds to a halt, knowing how difficult it is to exist in a world where it feels as if no one understands you. Until I found the lifestyle, I was truly alone. It’s a hard place to be.
“We’ve only scratched the surface. I want to know everything about you, little one.”
“Difficult when you don’t know my name.”
“I plan to remedy that as soon as possible. Tell me something, anything about you.”
She considers my request for a moment. “I like to help people.”
“Go on…”
“My favorite color is pink. A cliché, I know, but I’m a girly girl. What’s your favorite color?”
“I recently became fond of lavender.”