“I’ve been suspended.”

“For how long?” She steps into me, wrapping her arms around my waist. “I’m sorry.”

“What for? This was my stupidity. I knew better, and I let my personal feelings get the better of me. I’m not sure how long it’ll be. The hospital’s legal department will be in touch. There may be nothing they can do for me. I’m going to meet with Dalton, Nadia, and her recommendation for a defense lawyer. I think their private investigator will be there too.”

“Do you want me to come?” I can’t believe this woman loves me. She’d drop everything for me, so I have to be strict with her.

“No. I’ve taken enough of your time. Dr. Milligan will be performing my surgeries for now. Your teaching in neuro won’t be affected. You’ll shadow him and assist when asked.”

“I don’t care about that. It’s ridiculous that he’s suspending you. You did nothing wrong.”

“You should care. This is your career we’re talking about.”

“And what about yours?” she says with indignation.

“That’s for me to worry about. I did everything wrong. I should have walked away and let the authorities deal with that guy. I took matters into my own hands. I’m ashamed as a doctor at this hospital and as a man for letting this happen.”

“I should come with you to see the lawyer.”

“No, Freya. I need you here, learning, operating. I can’t handle compromising your teaching on top of everything else. Dr. Milligan is excellent. He was my mentor, and as soon as he sees you in action, he’ll be happy to take you under his wing.”

“I want to help.”

I tuck a wayward strand of hair behind her ear before leaning down to kiss her. “You are. Just keep loving me, and everything will be fine.”

“Promise?” I can’t lie to her, as much as I want to shield her from all of this, so I capture her lips to anchor myself to this one port in my life. She’s the calm in the storm that’s coming my way, threatening to rip apart everything I’ve built for myself.

He took everything from me. I won’t let him take Freya.

Chapter 20


“Thanks for meeting me, Cel. I know I’ve been a shit friend lately.” I embrace my best friend, holding tightly as she wraps her arms around me.

“Are you okay? You’re shaking.” We take a seat in the back corner of the coffee shop.

“I don’t even know where to start. Everything is going to shit, and I have no idea what to do. I’m useless.”

Celest reaches across the table, taking my hands in hers. “Let’s start with why you called me in a frenzy looking for Dalton.”

“Ugh.” I heave an exhausted sigh. “Pierce is in trouble.”

“Is it serious?”

“It could end his career. Shit… it could send him to prison, Cel.” Saying it out loud is too much for me, and I finally break down. I explain everything to Celest—what I suspect, what we know happened, and what the lawyers are telling us right now.

She hands me a napkin to wipe my mascara-soaked eyes. I can only imagine what a mess I look. “How’s he holding up?”

“He’s busying himself at the club. He’s decided to revamp his playroom so it’s more tailored to our needs.”

“Wow. So your six-month contract?” She leaves the rest of that question hanging in the air between us.

“I’m so far gone with him, Cel. A contract means nothing at this point.”

“I don’t know if that’s wise, Frey. There’s a reason we have contracts. It’s really easy to fall for the Dom who trains you. Add in the fact that he was your first sexual experience, it only compounds those feelings.”

“I understand the difference between infatuation and love, Cel. Being a virgin didn’t make me completely incapable of identifying my emotions.”