Chapter 9


Christmas Eve hasn’t heldmuch excitement for me since I was a kid. Now Faith and I are about to celebrate our first Christmas together, and I feel the magic of the season for the first time in twenty years—at least.

Tonight is the big Titans’ Christmas party, and Faith looks breathtaking. After the last party we attended, I made sure she’s wearing something more Faith proof. I’ve gone to this party every year for a decade, and it always felt like a chore. Seeing the guys on the team with their significant others and their kids, it always felt like a night to remind me of everything I didn’t have. Money and fame can only get you so far in life. It doesn’t bring love or family.

When I step into the room with Faith on my arm, I’m filled with pride. My life has changed so much since this time last year. It still seems surreal at times. I can look at Faith across a crowded room or in the comfort of our own home, and it hits me like a Mack truck—I’m the luckiest son of a bitch on the planet. It astounds me that we’ve only been together for six months. So much has happened in such a short space of time. Our relationship has been on warp speed since the beginning.

Faith came stumbling into my life—literally—and I was caught hook, line, and sinker from the moment I saw her in that hotel lobby bar. It wasn’t the easy choice for us to be together, and we’ve faced our fair share of hurdles this year, but looking at her now, I can’t imagine this ending any other way.

Every day is a school day with Faith. I learn something new about her with every passing day. She really has shown her kinky side during this wager. I shouldn’t be surprised—we got together on a wager for her virginity. That, in and of itself, speaks to her willingness to color outside the lines. I’m still shocked at how devious her mind can be.

What she has in store for Coop is definitely walking a fine line. It will be funny as fuck, but he’s going to be so pissed, and her timing is impeccable. He’d probably find it more amusing if it weren’t a night with all of our teammates—his teammates. I still feel like one of the team, but I guess I’m not technically a Titan anymore.

I’m thrilled to be here catching up with the guys I played, partied, and traveled with all over the states for years. It has taken some getting used to, not being around them day in and day out. I even miss training with Coop and his constant jibes that I’m an old man.

Tonight is going to go one of three ways. I half expect one of two scenarios—either he’ll flat out refuse to play tonight’s game, or he won’t bring it up at all. However, you can never rule out a third option with Coop. He might come in, all guns blazing, announcing it to the whole room.

Faith squeals when she sees Zee across the room, leaving me for dust to go and hug on her as if she hasn’t seen her in months. Yesterday was clearly too long ago. Coop follows the trail back to me, and from the look on his face, he’s pretty uncomfortable right now, and I’m his prime suspect. Why does everyone think I’m the perpetrator?

He attempts to storm over to me, but he’s stopped in his tracks. I’m guessing Faith’s gift set is causing some problems.

“What the fuck, bro? What have I ever done to deserve this shit?”

“Did it cross your mind that I may not be the offending wager participant here?” He’s making me uncomfortable just looking at him twitching and adjusting.

“There’s no way one of the girls would do this to me. Zee knows better. She’s fucking laughing it up right now, soaking in every moment of my discomfort.”

“You mean you’re actually using it? One item or both?” I try to stifle my laughter, but his face is a picture right now. I just gave away that I know what the gift was, but I’d rather take the heat off Faith, at least for now. We’re supposed to reveal who gifted what to whom at the end of the night. It might be a better idea to wait until tomorrow—let Coop simmer down a little.

“I don’t renege on a wager.”

“You’re a better man than me, bro. There’s no way I’d have gone through with it.” He keeps shifting like he has ants in his pants.

Faith and Zee make their way over to us, giggling as they watch Coop moving every three seconds. Zee slaps him on the ass before planting a kiss on his cheek.

“Fuck! Don’t do that, Zee. It’s not funny. Every muscle twitch is hurting me right now.” Faith tries hard to school her features, but she’s failing miserably.

“Which one of you fuckers sent me a butt plug and nipple clamps?”

“Secret Santa,” we all chime in unison.

“Faith’s not the only one who lost her virginity in a wager this year. My asshole has been violated in a way that will fucking traumatize me for life. Do you have any idea how sore this shit is?” His word choice isn’t helping the girls’ attempts to stop laughing.

“I’d think it’s impossible to shit right now.” I should’ve kept quiet, but he lined that joke up perfectly.

“Are you seriously wearing nipple clamps right now?”

“Why else would I have a sweater on? You could see them through my shirt. Not only are my nipples fucking killing me, and my asshole will never be the same again, but I’m going to pass out at some point with heat exhaustion. If that happens, one of you needs to hide the clamps and the plug before the paramedics cart me off.”

“I think you’ve got the plug pretty well hidden, Coop.” Zee has zero sympathy for him right now. She’s having way too much fun watching him squirm.

“Bro, you know I’ve always got your back, and I’d maybe stash the clamps for you, but you’re on your own with the plug.”

“How the hell am I supposed to sit down for dinner? I had to perch on my side the entire cab ride here, and don’t even get me started on how bad it feels when you go over a speed bump with this crap.”

“It can’t be that bad,” Faith interjects—wrong thing to say.