Page 58 of Macon

When she finally calmed down, I let Snow and Violet in to see her. Violet immediately embraced her. She barely let her go when the rest of the girls came by to check on her. Doc had the most challenging time when she saw Sin, and she broke down crying. I left the room since all the girls were there supporting each other and headed back to the conference room across the way.

When the agents came, we brought them straight into the conference room to see our wall of intel. They were pretty shocked and impressed with all the information we’ve found.

Maggie and Luc have a special friendship, so it wasn’t all official talk like when they were on the phone. They were pretty laid back. Steve isn’t a complete dick like his nephew, which helped.

Steve asked where Sin was, and I told him she wasn’t doing so well since she saw a picture of Peshkov. I told him that I’d bring her in once we were all caught up, and she calmed down.

He agreed. Steve came because Peshkov was in New York.

He pretty much found out the same information as Dallas, but we didn’t know Peshkov was one of the men who bought Sin all those years back. We had him on our radar for being in the Russian human trafficking ring.

We informed Steve about his nephew and everything he’s been up to. Steve immediately called Dexter, but he didn’t answer, so he left him a message like his uncle was trying to get ahold of him, not an FBI agent who was beyond pissed off.

Steve let us know he had no idea Dexter was involved with any of this. He’d been in Europe following leads on five young girls who were taken. He wasn’t planning on being there that long, but he ended up helping in the recovery. Thankfully, they’re going to be okay. I was pretty impressed with his determination. I can tell he actually cares about his job.

Steve was concerned when he found out Peshkov was in the States. He never comes to the States, so he was following up trying to figure out what he’s up to. When he found out Sin went looking for her sister, it became high priority for the FBI.

Peshkov met with Viktoriya a couple of times last week. He’s staying at the same hotel she’s staying at, so we don’t have any insider information yet.

We don’t have any word or intel that he was in Detroit, so we can’t link him to Raydene’s disappearance.

The room is full with Wolfe, Cash, Hawk, Snow, Ruby, Quick, Dallas, Maddox, Ethan, Luc, Reed, Blink, Chiv, the agents, and me. Vi, Doc, and Sin are still talking across the way.

I told Sin she could come over when she was ready and that Steve was there. We’ve been cross-referencing all our intel with theirs. We recently worked with them when they recovered Snow and Doc after Ronny, Blaze, and Karma took them. They let us know they still have Blaze, president of the Devil Duos. They thought they had a lead on Karma, but it was a dead end.

We informed them we had a tip about where Karma was and that Beau and Brant were following up on the lead. We didn’t tell them that Frank, Luc’s Italian mafia uncle, told us where Karma and Sasha were.

Beau and his men have been in Europe following all the leads we received from Frank. Shy has been in touch with them since he wanted Karma’s head for what he did to Snow.

“Any word on JJ or King?” Maggie asks the room.

Since Brick was killed, we don’t have much intel yet. Wrench just took over as president of our Chicago chapter.

“My cousin said he’d been in touch with dem, and dey back in Chicago,” Violet announces from behind me. I jump up, seeing Vi, Doc, and Sin enter the room.

Sin takes in the room, her eyes following the wall of intel. When her gaze lands on Steve, she gets teary-eyed again. Steve immediately goes to her, giving her a big hug.

Jealousy rises in my chest, but I keep it tame. I know they have a history. Steve saved Sin, so I must behave. I can’t help but move behind her, ready to comfort her once they exchange hellos.

As he releases her, he tells her everything will be okay and they’ll find Raydene.

We spend the next thirty minutes reviewing scenarios and trying to devise a plan. They delegate stuff for all of us, mine being to watch out for Sin. This is my only job, and I was happy to oblige. I aim to keep her here and protect her while they follow up on leads.

When it’s time for the agents to leave, Steve gets my attention, and I leave Sin with the girls, talking about the party.

When we’re out of earshot, Steve says, “Mac, thank you for taking her with you when you left Chicago. That is the last place she should’ve been. Right now, my hands are tied. She broke the rules, and I need to figure out the paperwork before I can relocate her or see if she’s blown her cover.”

I raise my hand to stop him. “Sin’s not going back into protective custody. She’s staying here with me.”

Steve’s eyebrows raise, and he replies, “I don’t understand.”

“Well, I told Raydene and Sin they’re protected here and don’t have to leave. Sin is with me now, and I’ll always keep her safe.”

Steve laughs. “Okay, but do you know who you’re dealing with?”

I cross my arms over my chest. “Yeah, like you can see,” I motion to the wall of intel with my head, “we’ve been dealing with them and haven’t done too bad so far.”

Steve’s smile disappears. “Not so bad? People have been killed.” He motions with his hands to our wall. “These people don’t stop. One head gets cut off and two more appear. Just think about it. I can relocate them together.”