Page 59 of Macon

I shake my head. “Not going to happen. Unless Sin tells me she doesn’t want me anymore, she’ll always be by my side and her sister too.”

Steve studies me for a beat before saying, “Okay. Let’s find Ray, and we’ll figure it all out. Just keep her safe, and I’ll be in touch.”

When he reaches his hand out, I take it, giving him a handshake.

Everyone disburses once Luc and Wolfe walk the agents out. Everyone heads to get ready, deciding after all this shit, it’s party time.

I grab Sin around the waist, pulling her against me. Leaning down, I kiss her neck and whisper, “Ready to go upstairs?”

Vi stands in front of us. “Wat’s all dis bout?” She waves her hand in front of us.

Sin stiffens, and I reply, “We’re together. Is that a problem?”

Vi’s face shows no emotion, but her eyes don’t approve.

“Didn’t you and Ray have a thang?” Violet folds her arms over her chest.

I stand up to my full height, letting her know I’m not fucking around. “You know damn well Ray was with Dexter, and she chose Dexter that night. You know we didn’t have anything going on besides childish flirting. We never fucked.”

Vi’s eyes dart between us. Sin is still stiff as a board in front of me.

When Violet doesn’t say anything, Sin speaks up, shocking us both. “Well, if my sister has a problem, we’ll deal with it when we find her. As for right now, we’re together.”

Vi throws her head back. “Damn, gurl, you’re just like your sista. All mouthy an she-it.”

Once the tension is gone, I grab Sin’s hand, leading her out of the room, and say, “Let’s go get ready.”

Something feels different. It’s like I’m floating.

I must be dreaming because I don’t feel any pain.

My body feels so good, but when I try to move—nothing. It’s like I’m cemented to the ground.

My eyes roll back as I try to open them.

I try to speak, but only a moan escapes.

A wave of tingles run down my arm.

Or wait. Was that someone touching me?

Am I dreaming?

Why can’t I open my eyes?

Panicking, I try again. Only a sliver of light appears this time.

Thank you, God.

Now my hand, I try to move it, but it won’t budge.

Come on, Ray, you can do it.

I use all my strength and lift my hand, but it barely moves next to me. I slowly try to inch my hand up my body, and I realize I’m still naked.

Please let this be a dream. It has to be, right? I mean, I don’t feel any pain.

My subconscious decides to chime in—not if you’ve been drugged.