Page 94 of Lucky Score

"So what are they talking about out there?" I ask.

"Rita offered to let mom stay in one of her guest bedrooms at the house."

I drop the chip I just picked up and shoot a look at Cammy.

"She did what?" I ask, the shock evident on my face. "Why would she do that?"

"You know, Rita. She probably wants to keep her enemies closer. I bet you Rita is planning to gather all the intel she can on mom's weaknesses so that she can hatch a plan to use them against her in the near future."

It figures that Rita would see some kind of challenge in this, but now I'm stuck with Josslin staying next door.

"How long is your mom staying?" I ask.

"She has a shift at the hospital in two days, so she can't stay long."

Two days is manageable. I can survive that. I think. As long as she stays with Rita and leaves me the hell alone.

Miguel turns around with our plates of food.

"All set. Need anything else?" he asks.

It's more than enough food. He gave us bigger portions than normal, and I'll probably still end up finishing up whatever Cammy doesn't eat.

"You ready?" I ask Cammy.

"Let's go."

She and I grab the plates of food and head out of the kitchen.

The sooner we get through dinner, the sooner I can drop Josslin off at Rita's and be done with her.

Tomorrow, after Cammy's shift, she and I will be miles out to sea with no Josslin in sight.

Chapter Twenty


With Cammy in today, Rita said that she won't need me on shift.

I spent all morning and afternoon trying to write but this apartment isn't drawing out the inspiration in me. I hear my stomach groan and check my phone to see that it's after two in the afternoon, which means that the lunch rush downstairs is probably over.

I haven't eaten all day and maybe it's time for some new scenery. Grabbing some lunch while I work through my next chapter might help to get things rolling again.

I'm nearing the end of the book, and all the chapters that I've been sending Sheridan have been met with a solid two thumbs-up. The book is coming together, and relief is starting a soothe the anxiety that I've been carrying around for months over this manuscript.

I head downstairs to order some food and while sitting in the small booth that Seven and I sat in the first time he brought me here, I think about my "Fix Me" list. It's been a while since I opened it back up and with only a handful more days left in Mexico, I should consider getting a few things marked off my list.

For a moment I feel like I'm being watched. I look up to find Josslin staring back at me from another booth. I give a small smile and wave though it feels forced, but I can't very well ignore her. She's staring at me and now I'm looking back at her.

She doesn't return the wave or the smile.


The spreadsheet pulls up, and my attention is pulled away quickly. I glance through the list to see if there is anything I should add or anything I might be able to check off.

One specific line item has a grip hold on me.

#7 – Have a fling in Mexico.