Page 93 of Lucky Score


"Don't play dumb with me. I saw how your eyes flashed to Brynn when Josslin called herself your fiancé. I was only a table away, picking up a check from the customer. I swear you almost turned completely purple for lack of oxygen."

Miguel looks over his shoulder and smirks at me as his wife calls me out.

Before I can answer, we hear the double doors to the kitchen push open.

Marie and I both look over our shoulders to find Cammy sauntering in.

"I figured you were hiding out in here," she says, as she walks up beside me, grabbing a chip out of my basket.

"Get your own chips," I tease.

"They taste better when I steal them from you."

Maria snickers at my usual back-and-forth banter with my niece.

"Are you sure she's not yours?" Marie jokes.

Cammy just smiles up at me with a smart-ass grin.

Unfortunately, she inherited the Wrenley personality. I can't take full credit for it. My dad is pretty similar. My brother on the other hand, can't take a joke.

"I'm headed back to work. You two behave," Marie says and then heads out of the kitchen.

"You left your mom out there?" I ask.

"No, Rita is entertaining Josslin."

"Mom. You call her mom," I remind Cammy.

"Why do you care what I call her?"

"We've been through this. She birthed you, and though I can't stand the woman, you turned out okay. I have to give her some credit for that."

"Then you call her mom."

"Cammy…" I warn.

"Grandpa sure brainwashed you into a die-hard momma's boy, didn't he?"

"Cam—" I warn again.

"Speaking of which," she cuts me off. "Grandma begged me to attempt to call her while you're on speaker so she can tell you how proud she is of you since you won't take her call until June 2nd of next year."

I let out a frustrated sigh. Of course, my mom is trying to use Cammy's time here to get to me. If my mom weren't a nervous flier, she'd probably have already visited Seattle a handful of times to see Cammy in hopes of running into me, too.

"She gets a call on her birthday. She knows the rules."

"Has anyone told you that you're a massive hypocrite?"

I look down at her as I crunch on another chip.

"Eat your chips, little girl."

Miguel turns around and pushes a plate of freshly cut mango, papaya, and pineapple toward Cammy.

"Yum, thanks!" she beams over at Miguel, who has already turned back and is working quickly on our food.