Page 22 of Tactical Revival

“I don’t want anything to do with him.”

“I believe that,” Lance replies. “But that doesn’t mean you have to carry the heaviness of anger around with you.”

After taking another drink of water, I set my bottle aside. “There was a time I wanted so badly to beat him bloody.” The admission feels like a weight off of me. “Honestly, had this happened before I actively started to grow in my faith, I might have.”

Lance lets out a laugh. “I guess there’s a reason God timed it for now.”

“Maybe.” I take a seat on a bench ringside. “I don’t want to be angry.”

“Then give it to God,” he replies. “Pray about it, and do what you need to do in order to move past it. We can’t change what’s happened to us in the past, but we can open our hearts so God can heal them.”

“It all sounds so easy when you say it.”

“It’s not,” Lance replies with a laugh. “It will be one of the hardest things you’ve ever done. But it’s worth it.”



“So this is a local beach that’s relatively unknown to tourists.” I circle a spot on the map and smile at the young couple across from me. They’re visiting from Dallas, Texas, a bucket list trip for her on their first wedding anniversary.

“Thank you so much. We’re so excited to get some time in the sun.” She smiles at her husband, who grins right back. The love between them makes even a cynic like me long for that type of affection.

And why does Jaxson Payne come to mind?

“Well, this is going to be the best place to do it. It’s relatively quiet, though you’ll have some local teens there as soon as school lets out. The weather may not be hot yet, but it’s perfect for beach lounging.” I fold up the map and offer it to her husband.

“Thank you so much, Margot. Seriously. You’ve been so amazing.”

The phone rings. “You’re welcome, Shelly. Have fun, you guys. We’ll see you later.” After waving them off, I answer the phone. “Hello?” Nothing. “Hello?” I ask again.

When no one answers, I set the receiver down and make a note for myself to check on the status of Chad’s lawsuit with Beckett Wallace, my lawyer and one of my oldest friends. I haven’t heard anything since I sent the papers to her, and she promised to make my ex wish he’d never met me in the first place.

Given all that I know she’s capable of, I’ve no doubt she will.

Desperate for a jolt of caffeine, I move around the counter and head for the kitchen. I’ve only taken a few steps when I hear the bell ding over my front door.

So close. I’m coming for you, coffee. Abandoning my mission to caffeinate, I head back into the main lobby, but the smile I’ve plastered on turns genuine when I see that it’s Jaxson walking in. “Hey, I was just about to grab some coffee. Want some?”

“Sure, thanks.”

He’s dressed for the gym, looking beyond attractive in dark gray basketball shorts and a black sleeveless shirt, his hair a mess from running his hands through it while he boxed. Which I only know he was doing because I walked past Michael’s gym on my way to the bakery for muffins this morning.

I had to stop and watch for a few moments, even though I have no idea how I would’ve explained ogling him had I been caught.

After grabbing two mugs from the cabinet, I fill each with steaming black liquid, then offer him his and prep mine.

He still doesn’t speak.

I turn to face him. “So what’s going on? How’s your day so far?”

“Margot, are you struggling to keep this place open?”

His question catches me off guard. I stare at him for a moment. “What?”

He sets the mug aside and runs a hand over the back of his neck. “I saw the bills on your desk last night. I didn’t mean to. I was just checking on you, and they were right there.”

Embarrassment flushes my cheeks, and I have to look away. I can’t be mad at him, of course, because it’s not his fault they were right there and I’d fallen asleep on them. But why, oh why, God, did he have to see them? “It’s nothing I can’t handle.” I force a smile.