Page 21 of Tactical Revival

“Not like this.”

“It’ll all be okay,” Lance says. “God has a plan, and He will guide us where we need to go.”

“I wish I had your faith.”

“You do have my faith. You’re just struggling to hold on to it right now because you’re distracted by the worry.” He clasps me on the back. “How are things with Margot?”

“What do you mean?”

Lance arches a brow. “Michael may be blind when it comes to your interest in his little sister, but I’m not. I see the way you look at her.”

“She’s Michael’s younger sister.”

“And she’s a grown woman with her own feelings.”

“No. I’m not going there.”

“But you care for her.”

“Of course I do. She’s a good person. She deserves to be happy. We’re—friends.” I couldn’t help the hesitation, and I know Lance didn’t miss it.

“You deserve to be happy, too, Jax. You’re one of the best men I know.”

“I’m divorced.”

“Remember after Eliza’s lighthouse burned down and we had that drive for her at the church? You called me out for my feelings for her even as I tried to deny them.”

“Because you were wearing them on your face. So was she.”

“And I’m only returning the favor. Anyone around you two more than five seconds can sense a connection, Jax.”

“We’re friends. I’m not looking for a relationship. Not after everything Rosalie put me through.”

“Not every woman is out to break your heart.”

“She didn’t just break my heart. She broke me. I was still in a wheelchair when she left me.” Lance doesn’t respond. “I had to sign divorce papers while not knowing if I would ever walk again.”

“I’m sorry, man. But she wasn’t your only chance at love. If you care for Margot, then don’t you think you deserve to know if she feels the same?”

“Bradley Payne showed up at the B&B,” I blurt. Partly to change the subject, and partly because I’m really struggling with letting go of what he told me, and I’m not sure how to go about moving forward with my life now knowing what I do.

“Your dad?”

“Bradley,” I correct. “But yeah.” I take a swig of my water bottle.

“What did he want?”

“To make amends and tell me he’s dying.”

“Man.” Lance shakes his head. “You okay?”

“Why wouldn’t I be? I haven’t seen or spoken to the man since he abandoned Tyler and me. I couldn’t care less.”

“That’s not true, and we both know it.”

Always one to call me out when I’m trying to glaze over something, Lance doesn’t let me get away with that one. “Fine. I don’t know why I care.”

“He’s your dad. Good or bad, that’s a fact that carries its own weight.”