Page 13 of Romi

After obtaining their address, I ignored the pair completely and did my best to tune out the sound of her shrill voice. John Peacock was an Estate Agent we dealt with often. In fact, he was the person we had used to purchase the land for Glitz, hence why he and his wife had been invited this evening. I had met him on numerous occasions and always thought that he was a decent sort, but I had never met his wife before. I was glad about that.

I didn’t know how the heck he dealt with that woman. Thank God my Sonia wasn’t like that. Wait, what? My Sonia? No, she was not mine I reminded myself. It felt like it tonight, though! the traitorous little voice inside my head said. Sadly, I agreed. It had felt that way, as I’d known it would, but it was over now.

My cock didn’t agree with that sentiment. It thickened, remembering how Sonia’s luscious curves had felt pressed up close to my body. I always enjoyed dancing with Sonia. We had danced a lot together over the years. But never quite in the way we had tonight. With the newly awakened sexual tension between us, it was like we were completely in sync, our bodies flowing together like liquid.

Dancing salsa was our favourite style. It was a sexy style of dancing anyway, but it had never been quite that sexy. Dancing salsa with Sonia tonight was the sexiest thing I had ever done outside of the bedroom. I had been so turned on. I’d allowed myself to relax as we danced together, knowing that, since we had done it a lot in the past, it would not raise suspicion from her brothers. It was the best excuse I would ever have to get up close and personal with my Little Miss Trouble. It was complete torture, but I bloody loved every second of it. Yes, I guessed I was a masochist, after all.

Tonight, had been utter bliss, but it was all we would have. I would cherish the memory forever but now it was over. I sighed, feeling an overwhelming sadness gripping my chest.

My anger at Ash cutting our evening short slowly faded. I should probably be grateful to him, actually. I’d loved having Sonia in my arms, and the longer I held her, the less I wanted to let her go, but I had to. Sonia’s interest in me had been obvious, thrilling and a dream come true, but I couldn’t let things go any further, no matter how much I longed to and no matter how right Sonia had felt in my arms. It wouldn’t be easy, but I had to put a stop to it before it could get out of hand.

We couldn’t be together and that was that. It wasn’t going to be easy to stay away from her and when she left I would be devastated. However, there was no choice. From now on, I would keep my distance and soon she would be gone.

Besides, I expected what she felt for me was just a crush – an infatuation. With time and distance, she would get over me. After all, she was young and there would be plenty of guys lining up to date her. When she returned to University I would ensure my guys didn’t interfere anymore and allow her to date if she wanted to. I couldn’t have her; I needed to let her go, and the best thing for her would be for her to find someone else. I knew that was true. So, why did it feel like my heart was being torn out of my chest at the thought of her with anyone else?

My feelings for her ran deep and giving her up was devastating, but I pushed the thought aside. I would deal with this. I would get my emotions and my stupid heart under control. I snorted at the idea that I had anything under control where Sonia was concerned. I could barely keep my cock in check around her.

Even before we had danced together, I’d heard her laugh, and my cock had sprung to life as if it had been electrified. Shit, it was still hard now. Continually thinking about her really wasn’t helping my situation any, and I was still sporting a semi when we finally reached the Peacock’s home. Thank goodness my suit jacket covered it.

As I held the car door open for Mrs Peacock to climb out, she blatantly touched my ass, giving it a squeeze. I shuddered in disgust as my erection quickly deflated. Well, at least that cured my hard-on problem!

My eyes widened as she licked her lips and winked suggestively at me behind John’s back. Oh, dear god! Thankfully, I managed to avoid any more roaming hands as I hurried back around to the driver’s side. I blurted out a quick goodbye and jumped in the car like the hounds of hell were pursuing me.

Starting up the engine, I backed out of their drive, glad to be out of the old bat’s clutches and very glad she only got to grope me the once. I hoped Ash wasn’t so lucky on Monday night. That would teach him; I smiled at the thought of getting some revenge on him. Then I remembered he had said I would be collecting them. Damn, he would want me to attend. I wouldn’t be able to get out of that as I always helped out with all the discussions on property purchases since Ash knew how I liked that sort of thing.

I huffed and then smirked. I would just have to ensure that I sat beside John and let Ash get up close and personal with the delightful Mrs Peacock. In fact, I would call and reserve a booth instead of our usual table. Then he could get nicely trapped beside her. We would see how he liked being touched up by that old windbag; I smirked wickedly. That would certainly be payback for tonight.

Because even though I knew that I should have been grateful to him for ending my night with Sonia early before I got too involved with her, in truth, I wasn’t.

When I got back to the club, I saw Anton and Luca laughing. Apparently, Luca had caught Ash rolling around in the alley covered in cream cake and kissing that pretty waitress. I laughed, too, and even though I was still a bit pissed at him, I was also glad for him. He needed to get laid even more than me. The man had been cold and pretty emotionless since Krissa was murdered, so he could do with some light relief. I headed to the kitchen just as he entered from the door to the alley.

He seemed to have cleaned up from what I’d been told, but I could still see traces of cream on his suit and in his hair.

“So, it is true! I didn’t think rolling around in cream cakes in an alley was quite your style, but hey, whatever floats your boat, as they say,” I howled with laughter at the surprised look on his face. He obviously hadn’t expected me to have heard.

“Very funny!” he said, but his lips twitched as he attempted to hold back a grin.

“I guess she was tasty then, huh?” I smirked.

He chuckled, “Sweet and sexy!”

“And messy by the looks of things,” I pointed at the cream on his clothes.

“Hell yeah, my Little Miss Hot Mess was certainly that,” he said, grinning.

“Little Miss Hot Mess?” I laughed.

“Yeah, didn’t get her name,” he stated, his lips pursed.

“Tell me you got her number, though, right?” I asked incredulously.

“Nope,” he said sheepishly.

“So, you won’t be seeing her again then?” I enquired.

“Hell yeah! Once I track her down. And I will.”

“Good luck with that!” I sniggered as we headed for the car and home.