Page 12 of Romi

Miki said he would take me home as Ash needed to stay and close up with Luca. Romi would come back and fetch him after he dropped off the Peacocks.

I really wanted to stay and drive back with him. Unfortunately, I couldn’t think of a good enough reason to hang around without causing suspicion. Damn! I was still a bit pissed at Ash for cutting my night with Romi short. I smirked to myself, thinking that a wee bit of punishment was in order. Definitely need to let Miki know our boy has a crush! I heard my inner voice cackle wickedly.

“Night, Romeo, and by the way, that waitress will probably still be in the kitchen if you are looking for her,” I chuckled as I stood up to go.

“Waitress?” Miki questioned, raising his eyebrows and smirking.

Ash shot me a warning look, which I totally ignored.

“Yeah, Ash here has the hots for a pretty waitress,” I smiled evilly at him.

“Really?” Miki asked him, smirking.

“No, ignore her; she doesn’t know what she is talking about,” Ash said.

“Sure, if you say so!” Miki laughed.

I turned at the door with a final parting shot, “Bye, Romeo!”

“Little madam!” he laughed.

I giggled at that and blew him a kiss. I really hoped he found the waitress and got her number. It would do him good to get laid, and perhaps it would lighten up his usual dour demeanour.

Besides, if he fell for someone, he was more likely to be sympathetic when Romi and I got together. And we would! After our connection tonight, I knew it was just a matter of time.

“So, tell me more about this waitress,” Miki said as we walked to the car.

Ash was in for some powerful teasing in the days to come. I grinned evilly.

As we headed back to the Estate, I pretended to doze in my seat, but really, I was replaying my wonderful night with the man of my dreams.

Despite our time together being cut off earlier than I’d hoped, it had been even better than I could have imagined. I thoroughly enjoyed flirting and dancing with Romi. It was the perfect way for us to interact, as our family loved to dance. Romi and I had always danced together well, so it wasn’t unusual to see us strutting our stuff together.

That was Nonna’s influence. She was a great lover of dancing, and she’d taught us all. I had never been so glad of that. If she had never followed us out to the UK and hadn’t taught us to dance, I couldn’t help feeling it would have been a great travesty.

Smiling behind my hand as I pretended to nap, I was also glad that Romi’s family had followed us out here all those years ago. Romi’s stepdad, my Uncle Petior, was my dad’s younger brother, and he came out to be his Enforcer when dad was sent by his older brother, our Uncle Maxim, to head up the Russian mafia in the UK.

When Uncle Piotr died of a heart attack when Romi was twenty, Romi remained here while his mum and younger brothers returned to Russia. I was so very grateful for that, too. If he had left, I wouldn’t have had the chance to fall in love with him, and again, that would have been a travesty.

Romi and I were obviously meant to not only dance together but be together. Everything about our lives pointed to that fact for me.

Dancing with Romi had always been fun, but tonight, it was better than ever. I guessed it was the newly awakened sexual tension between us. I could feel his desire for me pressing against my belly whenever we were up close and personal, and my own body had responded, delighting in his nearness. My nipples had been tight, and my pussy throbbing. I sighed contentedly as I snuggled against the door. I couldn’t wait to see what would happen between us next.

“We’re home,” Miki said, rousing me from my dreamy musings.

I practically walked on air as I said goodnight to Miki and headed to my room. Operation Seduce Romi was well and truly underway, and I was pleased with my progress so far.




As I led the annoying Mrs Peacock towards the cloakroom, I threw an apologetic look over my shoulder to Sonia, unable to stop and say goodbye to her properly. This was the only evening I had been willing to allow us, our one night of pretence, and our time had been inadvertently cut short by Ash and the horrid woman who was clinging tightly to my arm, gushing over me as she had him.

Ugh! I was going to bloody kill Ash. I gave him the stink eye as I watched him silently sniggering after palming me off with John Peacock and his simpering wife. He was definitely going to hear about this later. I silently fumed as the woman chattered away in my ear while John retrieved their coats. I did not want to leave. I was so pissed. I’d been having a great time until she had made a scene. The old witch!

Finally, managing to pry her hands off my arm as we reached the car, I opened the rear door for her. She tried to flirt with me as I drove off, but the look I sent her quickly stopped that, thankfully. Without my attention, she quickly turned her own back on her poor husband and continued complaining about her supposedly ruined dress.