Thank fuck!
“I’ve sent her location to you,” he told Miki.
A second later, Miki sent us through a video he’d received from Siri making his demands. Marko and I watched it. My anger fizzled with the burning desire to rip Ivor to pieces as my eyes zeroed in on the collar around Sonia’s neck and Ivor’s fist wrapped around the chain it was attached to, holding her so tightly she could barely move.
They’d fucking collared my Sonia like she was some kind of animal and by doing that, they had unleashed the beast in me.
When I got my hands on them, they would beg for death and I’d give it to them, in the slowest most painful way they could imagine.
I rushed to the cockpit.
“Turn the plane around now! We have an emergency,” I demanded of the pilot.
Marko and Miki were making plans for a rescue. I pulled the phone off Marko.
“I am going after my woman!” I told Miki, the fury in my voice evident.
“We are on our way!” he stated.
“We will get there first. We are nearer. I will get Sonia away from that bastard, and then we will talk!” I told him firmly.
That’s it; the gloves are off! I was done playing by his rules. I wasn’t even contemplating running anymore. I was completely done with this shit.
Sonia and I were going to be together, and we would all sit down and talk about how we were going to make that happen. Just as soon as I got her away from that Somalian bastard.
Glowacki was a good man. Now that he was doing much better, almost recovered, there was no excuse not to deal with the situation head-on. Right now, though, my priority was to save my woman. Later, I’d spank her for putting herself in danger once she was back safely in my arms.
If anything happened to Sonia I would rip Siri limb from limb, and I would take my time over it and torture him for every minute he’d dared have her in his hands. I shook with anger as my mind raced with all the possibilities of what Siri could be doing to her right now.
“Fuck!” I shouted in utter frustration as the plane waited for the pushback tug to reverse us back to the hanger.
I was worried sick, the nerves only driving my anger to higher levels.
The seconds ticked by, feeling more like hours as we waited, but in reality, it took us less than ten minutes. By the time we got off the plane, the men who had dropped us off were back, and we were on our way to rescue Sonia.
Obviously, Ivor must be with Siri.
We’d suspected he’d escaped on the night of the attacks through our secret back exit, and now we knew for sure. Though how he knew Sonia was going to be there was a concern. Unless he had been planning on infiltrating the Estate and snatching her when she so conveniently stumbled into his path.
It did seem like an awful coincidence but if Siri was desperate to regain his cash, he might have planned with Ivor to kidnap her, or any of the family I guessed, and she just so happened to make it easier for them.
Peering through the binoculars, Marko handed me, I scoped out the area. The building where Sonia was being held appeared to be an old country cottage, with the closest neighbours about a half mile away on either side. Great! No nearby neighbours meant less chance of anybody witnessing anything they shouldn’t.
However, the open fields in front and to one side proved a problem. We couldn’t get close without being seen if we approached that way. There was a small private driveway running along the other side, and so approaching from that direction was no good either. That meant our only option was to sneak up on the bastards from behind, where there was a heavy wooded area and some small, dilapidated outbuildings.
Of course, it might have been some sort of trap, but the chances of that were quite slim. Without the tracker in Sonia’s necklace, there was no way we would have known where to find her. This place wasn’t linked to either Siri or Ivor, as far as Marko could tell, so the likelihood was that they wouldn’t be expecting us to find them. Fingers crossed that was the case because if we were wrong, getting us all out of here alive was going to be extremely difficult, if not impossible.
It was going to be hard enough. If these guys were smart, they would be guarding the rear of the building more heavily than the front, and we had no idea how many men Siri had with him or where Sonia was being kept in the building. It could even be some sort of trap.
Of course, if they didn’t know about Sonia’s tracker, they might not believe they were in any danger from us here. That was our best-case scenario because a surprise ambush would be more likely to work in our favour.
Agreeing on our plan, we parked the SUV in a quiet layby about half a mile away and started to prepare for a full scale onslaught.
Marko handed me a vest from the boot of the car. We always had a few weapons and some tactical vests hidden in our vehicles. With our lifestyle, we couldn’t afford not to. There weren’t as many as I would’ve liked, but it would need to be enough—at least until Miki and backup arrived. They were on their way, but it would be a while before they got here. I wasn’t prepared to wait.
It was time I claimed Sonia as mine openly. I was going in to get her and nothing would stop me.
We circled around the back of the cottage and cut through the woodland behind until we were able to see the various buildings using our binoculars again. I desperately wanted to storm inside but knew I had to wait until we got the lay of the land first. The cottage wasn’t quite as small as it had first appeared, being a two-storey building with an attic, which appeared to have been converted into several rooms. The windows of which were all boarded up, unlike those downstairs, so we surmised they’d likely be keeping her in one of the attic rooms.