Page 76 of Romi

Two guards were in the back garden area, and another two were stationed nearer the edge of the forest. There were none out front, as far as I could tell, but no doubt someone was watching from inside. We knew there were at least Siri and Ivor inside with Sonia. So, there were at least six men with her. However, considering the size of the two vehicles parked behind the property, there were likely several more.

There were only four of us, so until Miki showed up with more men, we were outnumbered, but considering how the men were lounging about and didn’t look like they were expecting company any time soon, we obviously did have the element of surprise after all. That definitely increased our chances.

Nodding to Marko and the other guys, we quietly made our way through the trees. As soon as we emerged from the tree line, we would be out in the open, but with luck, we’d manage to kill some of these buggers before they saw us approach.

One of our guys split off from us to sneak around the side of the house. The plan was for him to attack from the front the minute we attacked from the rear.

As soon as he was out of sight, we snuck closer to the guards stationed near the wooded area. Marko crept up behind the one on the right and slit his throat. I did the same with the one on the left before rushing towards the door, shooting the guy stationed directly outside it. Marko followed closely behind me, shooting at the last of the guards outside. They were all down in seconds. Thank god for the element of surprise.

Our guys covered us from behind a tree as return fire came from two of the upstairs windows. Marko and I are hidden behind one of the vehicles a few feet from the back door.

“I’m going in,” I said.

He nodded in agreement and opened fire, giving me cover as I rushed across the remaining few yards and threw myself at the door. I hit with a force that ricochet through me jarring my already bruised ribs. Thankfully, however, the door crashed open, and I fell inside and rolled.

A shot rang out just barely missing me as I took the stairs two at a time, firing towards where the shot had come from. A grunt told me I’d hit someone, and I grinned.

Other shots coming from below distracted me for a second until I heard Marko and our other guy who’d now entered from the front, calling to each other amidst a volley of shots.

Movement out of the corner of my eye, made me turn just in time to shoot the fucker, before he could shoot me.

It appeared there were definitely more than six men, after all.

I heard Sonia screaming and ran towards her voice.




Aloud noise roused me. I must have dozed off. The door flew open, and Siri rushed in. He grabbed the knife out of my hand before I had time to react. He looked livid, but not only that, he looked terrified, too.

“You little bitch. You killed Ivor!” he screamed, slapping me hard across the face.

My head flew to the side. Pain reverberated through my cheek, and I tasted blood.

Shots sounded outside. Siri pulled me up from the couch. I winced at his punishing grip on my arm. The sound of gunfire was getting closer. I shivered with fear.

Trouble was coming. But who was it? Siri had lots of enemies, so it could be any one of them. I really wanted to believe it was my family, but I doubted it. How would they have found me, especially so soon? No, it was more likely to be someone else. And that didn’t bode well for either Siri or me.

Someone was running up the stairs. Was I about to die here?

“We’re getting out of here,” Siri said, reaching up and unlocking my collar.

The second he did, I flew at him. Siri was a big guy, but I jumped on him kicking and punching wherever I could reach. Despite my best efforts, he swatted me away like an annoying fly. I fell to the floor, and he kicked me hard in the stomach. I screamed in agony as the air rushed from the lungs.

Grabbing me around the throat he hauled me to my feet and shoved his gun to my head. And that’s when the door burst open.

Romi was here!

My heart leapt for joy as the little voice inside my head celebrated. With a gun pressed to my temple, I was bloody terrified but seeing my man again made my heart sing with hope.

“Put your gun down or she’s dead!” Siri yelled, pointing the gun at Romi, and tightening his grip on my neck.

Romi froze.

“Are you hurt?” he asked me, his eyes frantically searching my body.