Page 33 of Romi

Not when my mind was determined to remind me of how good Sonia’s body felt when it was pressed against me. Or how she had smelled enticingly of cinnamon, chocolate, and citrus, all my favourite smells. Or how sweet her lips tasted. I groaned, wondering if she would taste that sweet in other places too. She reacted so well to everything I did to her. It really was like we were made for each other.

Sonia was completely intoxicating and no matter how I tried, I couldn’t get her out of my mind. The most worrying thing was that I didn’t really want to. I couldn’t have her but by god, I wanted her.

My feelings for her were deeper than I had ever felt for any woman before. In fact, I was falling for her more with each moment we spent together and if I didn’t put the brakes on things now, I would be lost because if I let my guard down any further, I would be so completely and utterly in love with her that there would be no way back for me.

Fuck! I blew out a frustrated breath. I longed to make her mine but giving in to my feelings for Sonia meant risking everything, my heart, my family, my place in the Bratva, and possibly my life.

For me to do that, I would need to be sure that what was between us was as real for her as it was for me, but I wasn’t convinced.

Thinking about it was giving me a headache. I needed a bloody drink.

After quickly drying off, I donned a pair of joggers and headed downstairs. I was walking into the kitchen to grab a bottle of vodka, intent on drowning my troubles in a sea of alcohol then crashing for the night when the doorbell rang. I frowned at the intrusion. It was a bit late for visitors, but I answered anyway. It was always possible one of the guys had decided to pop over for some reason.

Yanking open the door, I nearly died when I saw it was Sonia.

“What are you doing here?” I asked, looking past her for her bodyguard.

“Who’s with you?”

“Eh, nobody,” she says coyly.

“What?” I asked incredulously.

“I snuck out. I’m alone.” She smiled.

“What the fuck, Sonia?” I practically shouted at her.

“Need to use your loo!” she said breezily, pushing past me and heading quickly upstairs.

Rooted to the spot, I could only stare after her in shocked disbelief that she had the audacity to not only sneak out of the Estate alone at this time of night when things for our family were so unsafe, but also to come here to my flat when she knew the trouble we would be in if anyone had followed her.

Shit! I glanced along the street but thankfully it was quiet, so it didn’t look like she had been. Also, I noted that she had managed to park in a spot at just around the corner at a dead end which wasn’t easily noticeable from the main road and only to me because of my front door being elevated at the top of a set of steps. There was a parking spot across from the flat, which meant she had deliberately chosen where to park. At least she wasn’t entirely clueless about the problems her being her could create.

Hurrying back inside, I quickly closed the door and took the stairs two at a time as I pursued my wayward Little Miss Trouble. I sniggered. I’d certainly given her the right nickname.

She was still in the bathroom when I reached the top step. I tried the door, rattling the handle, but it was locked.

“I’ll be out in a minute,” she called.

Fuming, I stood in the hallway outside, desperately thinking about how to deal with her being in my personal space again. I knew what I wanted to do. I wanted to kiss her again like last time and this time not stop. Equally, I knew that I must not.

What the hell was I going to do about her?

I couldn’t believe she snuck out without protection. Her safety was important, she couldn’t play games with it. Especially with the current threats we faced. Anything could have happened to her. I was bloody livid with her right now. I paced outside the door, glaring at it every time I passed, as I worked myself up to a frenzy, my fists opening and closing in rapid succession as I fought a sudden urge to punch something.

Still, deep down, I knew that the fact she had come all this way just to see me, made me secretly thrilled. But she shouldn’t have! I reminded myself. Aargh, that little madam! I didn’t know if I wanted to spank her or kiss her. Or both. The images my mind bombarded me with at that moment had my heart racing and my mouth going dry. Thinking these thoughts was dangerous, very dangerous.

“She shouldn’t be here,” I muttered.

I dragged a hand through my hair in frustration. She couldn’t remain here, but I knew she wouldn’t just leave, at least not until we talked. I guessed it was time. I would talk to her and impress upon her the futility of our situation. If her continued persistence was anything to go by, I doubted she would accept my words easily. I would need to be harsh and frighten her off for good. Then I would make her leave and follow her back to the Estate to ensure she got there safely.

Decision made, I finally stopped pacing and lay my back against the wall, arms folded over my chest as I took long deep breaths in an attempt to calm the fuck down and waited.

What the heck was she doing in there? I huffed out an annoyed breath. She was certainly taking her time. I could hear her moving around but the toilet didn’t flush, and she hadn’t turned on the taps. If she didn’t come out in one minute, I was going to break the bloody door down. I didn’t care if that meant I had to buy a new one or not. I couldn’t take this waiting much longer.

A moment later I lifted my fist to bang on the frigging door when she pulled it wide, and I froze. My breath hitched as I stared open mouthed. I couldn’t take my eyes off her. The outfit she had arrived in was gone and instead she was wearing one of my T-shirts. It was large for her, coming down to almost her knees, but she looked so fucking adorable.

As always, my cock was quick to react at the mere sight of her, twitching its delight. I felt suddenly lightheaded and sucked in a breath through my nose. I almost reached for her, just stopping myself in time. Fuck. I was that desperate for her. Almost desperate enough to say fuck it and claim her the way my cock was begging me to. I couldn’t do that, but god how I longed to.