Panting hard, my chest rising and falling rapidly, I struggled to drag enough air into my lungs. The heady sensations he was eliciting had me about ready to burst. I was so close; it wouldn’t take much, and I would come undone. His fingers fluttered against my slit with gentle strokes, and I longed for him to delve deeper. They needed to be inside me, now.
“Romi, please,” I gasped, opening my legs further in blatant invitation.
Pulling back slightly, he looked at me. His lust filled gaze sent my pulse sky rocketing. This was what I wanted. This was what I had longed for. I reached for him, and his mouth covered mine again, his fingers finally slipping into my entrance. At last. I pushed towards him, so they sunk further inside me. He pumped them once, twice, his thumb pressing on my clit as his fingers invaded my depths.
“Oh,” I moaned against Romi’s lips. I bucked into him as he thrust his fingers between my folds, the wetness there making it easy for him. My toes curled and I knew I was about to come and and that’s when we heard the front door open, and reality came crashing in shattering our little bubble.
We froze at the sounds of footsteps. My brothers had returned. Oh hell!
Romi pushed me away, his lust-filled gaze quickly turning to shock at the realisation of what we were doing and how close we were to being caught.
Shit! I reached for him, but he stepped back, spun, and hurried out of the room, leaving me alone, again.
This was becoming too much of a bloody habit. I was panting, wet, annoyed, and frustrated. I shoved a fist into my mouth to stop myself from screaming in exasperation. That bloody man was driving me demented. I couldn’t decide if I wanted to kiss him or punch him on the nose.
Quickly sorting my clothes, I remained hidden in the room, trying to calm my libido down while I listened to Romi talking with Miki before their voices faded as they walked away.
Waiting until I couldn’t hear any more sounds, I finally slipped from the room and headed quickly upstairs to my favourite viewing spot in the hallway, and hidden from sight, watched out of the window. I had a feeling that now my brothers were back, my reluctant lover was going to do a runner again.
And a short while later, he proved me right. Damn him!
As soon as his car pulled into the main drive, I headed downstairs and rushed to Miki’s office.
“Romi left his phone here, will he be back later tonight?” I asked.
“No, he is going to his flat, send one of the guys over with it,” he replied.
“Okay, will do, then I am off to bed to catch up on some rest,” I said, trying to keep my voice light as I left the room.
“Just heading up for some shut-eye myself. Night,” he said, following me.
“Night,” I replied, watching him climb the stairs.
As soon as he was out of sight I hurried to the front door and snuck out, got into my car, and drove off. The guards at the gate let me out without question, thankfully, and I sped off towards Romi’s flat.
Operation Seduce Romi was in full swing, and I wasn’t going to let an interruption from my brothers, or a runaway lover interfere with that. I wasn’t about to let the momentum go. I refused to let him ignore the chemistry we had together any longer. I had been breaking down his carefully constructed walls just before my brothers had returned and I definitely wasn’t going to give him time to rebuild them.
Taking decisive action had worked for me a few minutes ago, and I was about to take some more.
What the hell had I done? I asked myself for the thousandth time as I drove to my flat.
Running away to hide again made me feel ashamed. I wasn’t a man who ran from my problems usually and I certainly wasn’t a man who hid from trouble. Yet my Little Miss Trouble had me doing both on a regular basis. It had to stop, but I didn’t know what to do about the situation.
It was clear that Sonia wasn’t going to give up on us any time soon and while on the one hand that thrilled me, on the other, I knew that it was only causing us both more grief. Our relationship wasn’t something we should pursue no matter how good it felt.
“Fuck!” I cursed, scrubbing my hand over the stubble on my chin.
We had come so close to being caught. That would have been a bloody disaster. I was surprised the guys hadn’t noticed my hard on when I’d left Sonia in the games room after playing our own naughty and very stupid games. I should never have allowed things to go that far but it was getting harder to deny my feelings for her and even harder to deny my cock which was still refusing to soften.
This was ridiculous. I felt sexually frustrated in a way I hadn’t been since I was a teenager. I needed to get control of my libido.
As soon as I got to the flat I stripped and climbed into the shower, using the time under the water to sort myself out, but I didn’t think a bit of DIY would fix my predicament for long.