“You added another badge to your coat, Adams.” Brandon grins, seated next to Merida’s hospital bed after she’s been moved to a private room. “Book nerd and computer genius weren’t enough. Now you’re also a bullet taker.”
“That’s so lame, even for a geek like you.” Mere grins at her friend before her gaze meets mine. “I’m okay.”
I ignore Brandon and slump onto Merida’s bedside. I plant a kiss on her forehead, her eyes widening before flicking to Brandon and then back to me.
“It’s okay. We talked,” he replies before I can.
“You mean, you”—she tilts her head toward me and then back at Brandon—“and you talked?” When we both nod, she asks, “With words and not fists?”
We both chuckle.
“Yes, mittens, we can be a little civilized. Plus, if I throw a punch at this guy, he’ll probably end up in the next room.”
“That might be true, but I must have some special qualities. Why else would Keith be so interested in making me Merida’s boyfriend?”
“Fuck.” I grimace. “That hurt, you jerk.”
“Holy crap! What the heck did you two talk about? You’re suddenly best buddies.”
“Don’t tell me you’re jealous that your two good friends are acting friendly, Merida?” Brandon fake gasps, while Merida’s brows furrow.
“I don’t know, okay? It’s weird.” She tries to fold her arms but immediately grimaces, and I take her hand in mine.
“I can go back to being an asshole to him or any other man, if that makes you happy, mittens.”
Brandon chuckles. “I don’t think I’ve heard anything more romantic than that. If your security company folds, maybe you can find a job as a romance writer for Hallmark.”
Merida lets out a giggle before placing her hand on my cheek. “I like how everything is now. It’s perfect.”
My phone vibrates in the pocket of my jacket, and I immediately know who it is. An uneasy feeling settles in my chest as I pull back after placing another kiss on Merida’s forehead. “I’ll be right back.”
In the lobby, I check my phone and, as expected, it’s Keith.
“Hello, Keith.”
“Carter, we’re on our way to the hospital. How is she doing?” His last words are softer, filled with anguish and pain.
“She’s okay. They moved her to a private room just a bit ago. I’ll text you the floor and room number.”
“Thanks. Please stay with her until we get there.”
“You don’t need to say that, Keith. I’m not going anywhere.”
An ominous feeling holds me in its grip, weighing me down as I return to the room. The voices inside halt my heavy steps, freezing me on the landing.
“Thank you,” Merida says, her voice soft. “For sorting things with Carter.”
“I never hated him, Mere. I just hated what he had and I didn’t.”
“Shh, it’s okay. Your friendship is precious to me, Mere. I can’t lose you as a friend too.”
Silence fills the room, and then Mere, her voice steady, says, “You’re an amazing person, Brandon. Someday you’ll find someone who’ll love you the way you deserve.”
“Of course I will. Are you worried I might turn into someone like you, pining for the love of my life for years? I’m not the pining type, Mere.” Brandon chuckles.
“Good. I can tell you from personal experience, it’s a bad type to be.” I hear the smile and gratitude in her words.