“I’ve never tried to hide my feelings from her. The problem is that she sees no one except you.”
“I don’t know what to say.” I run a hand through my hair, feeling helpless in a way I never imagined possible.
“Then listen, because I’ve got years’ worth to say. You’re one lucky asshole, Carter. My father abandoned my mother and me for another woman. His new family looks like they’ve been plucked straight out of some glossy magazine. Wealthy lawyer parents, two kids, a boy and a girl, and even a dog. But you know what? My mom married my dad when he had nothing. She worked three jobs so he could stay home and study for his bar exam. Yet, the moment he hit it big, he wasted no time leaving my mother, claiming she wasn’t up to his standards. He needed an educated wife he could converse with.Men, in general, are assholes. But then we meet the right girl, and she makes us human. Yet, sometimes, even the best girl can’t fix us.”
“And you think I’m one of those irredeemable assholes?”
“I did. Maybe still do. But Mere is not someone who gives up on people, and you are special to her. There are so many people in this world who end up living a loveless life, and that’s the worst way to live. You, on the other hand, have been handed love on a silver platter. Don’t drown yourself in guilt. What happened today wasn’t anyone’s fault. A crazy man shot someone, but be thankful there was no major harm done. Merida will recover. Think of the ways you can be with her, instead of thinking how you can run away from her.”
“Did one of my uncles pay you to act as my shrink today?”
“No. I’m just in the mood for doing some good today.” He grins. “I love her, Carter, but I’m not looking for your sympathy. I never have, from anyone. I do what I feel is right, and if anything in life is meant for me, it’ll find its way.”
“Is that a threat?” An unexpected smile pulls on my lips. Everything about this conversation is unexpected.
“You can decide that, asshole.” He chuckles.
“Fuck, I never thought there’d be a day where I’d be smiling beside you, especially when Mere is few feet away in a hospital room.”
It takes another hour before the doctor finally arrives. “Miss Adams has been moved to recovery, Mr. King. You should be able to see her in a short while. Everything went well. We have taken out the bullet, and I guess you already know that she’ll be needing a cast for a while, and some physiotherapy before she regains full motion of her arm.” When I nod, he continues. “Good. A nurse will take you to see her soon.”
Time passes while Brandon and I sit in the waiting room, which thankfully remains empty. The tightness in my chest grows with every second as I stare at the door hoping for the nurse to appear.
I only want to see her once before Keith gets here.
Hope gives way to realization that I’m once again being fucking selfish, yet when the nurse arrives, I can’t stop myself from springing out of my chair.
“I can take one of you to see the patient.”
As much as I want to demand to see Mere, I know I’ve been enough of an asshole for the day. My tongue feels like a brick in my mouth when I turn to Brandon. “You can see her first.”
He gives me a relaxed smile. “Go ahead. She must be worried about you.”
I need no further encouragement. I trail behind the nurse. A newfound heaviness settles upon me as we halt at the entrance to the recovery room. I drag myself inside, and fear grips me in its clutches when I spot Merida in a hospital gown. She seems to have grown weak and pale in just a matter of hours.
I must have made some sound because her eyes slowly flutter open and lock onto me.
“Hey,” she whispers.
“Hey.” The word feels like sand in my mouth as I settle into the chair beside her. “I was joking about you being a Bond girl, mittens. You didn’t have to go around finding trouble.”
“I told you I was a King girl.” Her soft voice resonates within me. “The nurses tell me no one else was hurt.”
“If you’re asking if Charlie is safe, he is.”
“And Tony?”
“He’s in the psychiatric ward. Don’t worry about all that. Keith and Clem are also on a plane. They’ll be here in a few hours.”
Mere nods and I cannot stop myself from leaning forward. Being mindful of the IV and other wires connected to her, I kiss her forehead.
“I was so freaking scared, Mere. I still am. But we’ll talk about your pure carelessness with your own safety another time.”
The nurse appears in my peripheral, and I know it’s time for me to leave. I plant another kiss onto her forehead and whisper, “I love you so freaking much, mittens. Rest now, and I’ll see you soon.”
* * *