“Thank gods. Tonyah!” Fenling ran to the cupboard and opened the door. Inside, a smaller door against the wall opened and Tonyah entered. She was carrying not only my clothes but my other things.
She held her finger to her lips, then whispered. “Quiet, Mistress. There are guards outside the door. I thought something might be happening, so I decided to come through the hidden entrance.” She held out my trousers and tunic, and then shook out my cloak and set my boots beside the bed. Keeping her voice low, she said, “I have your packs in the tunnels.”
I quickly began to dress, but Tonyah motioned for us to join her in the tunnel. “You can’t be too careful about who might be listening,” she said, shutting the armoire door. “I’ll get your clothes, Mistress.” She hustled away, down the tunnel, then disappeared to the right.
I quickly began to dress, leaning against the wall. “How long have you had a secret entrance to your room?”
“Since I was young. Bran’s father believed in preparing for the worst. All the royal rooms have hidden entrances to the network of tunnels that lead outside of the castle. I think Karehl must have forgot about them.”
“Maybe. Or maybe that’s why he sent his guards to arrest Bran before he could reach his room.” I finished dressing, then quickly braided my long hair and tucked it in back. I pulled one of the laces off my boots and tied back the braid. “Can the prince really imprison Bran?”
“He has the right. And I’m sure he’s been edging that way for a long time. I’m surprised it didn’t happen before this. He’s so convinced that Bran’s going to try to dethrone him. I’m afraid Bran’s life is in danger. We have to get out of here, and we have to contact Quen. We can trust him.” Fenling stripped off her dress. “Karehl knows how close Bran and I are, and I wouldn’t be surprised if I get thrown into the dungeons next.”
Tonyah returned, this time carrying Fenling’s traveling clothes.
“What about my weapons,” I asked as Fenling quickly dressed.
“They’re with your pack, milady.”
“Thank you.” I turned to help Fenling finish dressing.
“You’re welcome, milady.” Tonyah handed Fenling her boots.
“Tonyah, do you know anybody you can trust?” Fenling asked. “We’ll need to hide somewhere until nightfall, and our horses will need to be ready for us.”
“I do, actually. A stable hand who’s like my little brother. There’s a storage closet near one of the side entrances that the spies use.”
“Spies?” I asked.
“Every kingdom has its spies,” Fenling said. “The storage closet will work, and a stable hand is perfect. Thank you, Tonyah. You know I rely on your silence.”
“Yes, Mistress.” But the maid looked worried. “Beg pardon, Mistress, but you know they’ll question me.”
Fenling stood very still for a moment. “And if it were Bran, he’d be on his honor, but the prince won’t be. Would you like to come with us?”
“I have little other choice,” Tonyah said. “My family lives in the forest, so they should be safe enough. Nobody knows much about my background. But I’m afraid the prince—and his wife—will use whatever means they need in order to find out the answers they seek.”
“Go gather the clothes you’ll need for going into the wild and change here in the tunnel. If you have anything dear to you, bring it with you. We won’t be coming back once we leave.”
As soon as Tonyah was out of sight again, Fenling turned to me. “Karehl isn’t above torture when he wants answers. Neither is Chara. If we leave Tonyah behind, they’ll do whatever it takes to pry everything she knows out of her. I can’t leave her to that fate.”
I nodded in agreement. “What about the other members of the Lorani? Can we notify them?”
“Possibly. I’m hoping that Tonyah’s friend can get to Quen. You can be sure when they find out Bran’s been arrested, they’re not going to be happy. Most of them look on Bran as the rightful leader of Eleago, and they don’t like the prince at all. When Karehl exiled him to the Lorani, they signed up with him.” She worried her lip. “I’m trying to think of a way to get a message to them without being seen.”
“If we are spotted in the halls?—”
“We’ll be tossed in the cell with Bran. And you…Charla’s set on making a gift of you to her husband. But don’t be under any illusions. She’ll push him to humiliate you as much as he can, to punish you for catching his eye.”
“I’m surprised she’d willingly give other women to him,” I said. “She seems like a jealous cur. Maybe I’m wrong though, maybe she likes to watch. Or join in,” I added.
“I doubt if she’d join in, though maybe I’m wrong on that. But you’re right—the princess is jealous. Even though she’s furious he wants you, the fact is that he’ll look favorably on her if she doesn’t complain. He’ll probably buy her something precious that she wants. And if you’re his mistress, she’ll be able to order you around. The only thing he would object to is for her to leave marks on you, but I guarantee, the scars that woman can leave without a visible bruise…” She shuddered.
Tonyah returned, dressed in a tunic and trousers, boots and a long cloak. She turned and led us down the hall to where she was keeping our things. We gathered our packs and weapons and, as quietly as we could, headed for the storage closet.
What amazed me was just how spacious the tunnel was. Two of us could stand side by side, and it was a good three-four feet high over our head. There were glowing stones along the way that offered enough illumination to see our path, and the air was fresh and cool.
Along the way, Tonyah held up a key, then handed it to Fenling. “I have an extra, Mistress. This unlocks the door in the armoire.”