Page 31 of Weaving Winter

Tonyah, who was waiting, scurried out the door to get them.

Fenling pressed her lips together. “You can’t run off by yourself—it’s too dangerous.”

“I can’t stay here. Did you hear her? This is almost worse than if I’d stayed at home.” I turned as the door opened. “What?—?”

Bran stormed in the room. “What happened? I heard that you stormed out of Chara’s quarters?” He was staring at Fenling. “You know we have to be cautious?—”

“Stop,” Fenling said, cutting him off. “I’ll tell you exactly what happened and you’ll back us up.”

He froze at the tone of her voice, and at that moment, he noticed I was in my undergarments. “I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to intrude.”

“You didn’t,” I said. “I’m gathering my things and then I’m leaving. Now.”

At that, he sat down. “All right, what’s going on? Tell me. All I heard was that you two were exceptionally rude to the princess and she’s now on the warpath.”

“She’s lucky Asajia didn’t deck her one.” Fenling shook her head. “Charla asked her if she was a virgin—said her husband liked virgins, but she didn’t want some slut giving him a disease. If that doesn’t answer your question, I don’t know what else to say.”

Bran paled. “You’re serious,” he said.

“Damned right, I’m serious,” Fenling said.

“I can’t stay here,” I said. “I have to leave. I’m not going to be some perverted gift for the prince’s bed.”

“All right, give me a moment.” Bran worried his lip. “We should ride out tonight, then. I’ll concoct a logical reason for us to leave so abruptly—” He paused at a loud knock on the door. “Who’s that?”

“It might be Tonyah,” Fenling said, hurrying over to answer it. She cracked the door, peeking out, but then whoever was on the other side slammed the door wide, knocking her back. She went sailing back to the bed, landing hard.

Bran pulled out his sword, but froze as a group of guards entered the room. “What do you want? You’re intruding where you aren’t welcome.”

“I’m sorry, Lord Bran, but His Majesty has ordered that we place you under arrest. You are to come with us. Lady Fenling and her guest will stay here until they’re summoned.” The guard looked like this was the last thing he wanted to be doing. He was holding a pair of manacles. The guards behind him looked warily on.

Bran’s eyes widened. “He what? Karehl can’t arrest me?—”

“I’m sorry, milord, but he can order your arrest. He’s the prince.” The guard placed on hand on his sword. “I have to ask you to forfeit your weapons, now.”

Bran glanced at Fenling. “What the hell is going on?”

“I don’t know,” Fenling said. “Did he say why he called us back early?”

Bran shook his head. “No, I was supposed to meet with him later this morning.” He turned to the guards. A man like Bran could probably kill at least two of them before the others swarmed him, but there were too many for him to counter on his own. Fenling could jump in, and I’d do what I could, but the guards were well-armed and it was likely at least one of us would die.

“Please, sir, don’t force our hand,” the guard said, lowering his voice.

Bran slowly placed his sword on the nightstand. “Very well, but I can tell you this isn’t going to end well. I will come with you, but you will not place me in irons.”

“I’m sorry, sir, but we have to.”

As the other guards crowded in, Bran held out his hands. He glanced at Fenling. “You know what to do.”

“Yes,” she said, and with that one word, I knew that a whole line of communication had passed between them without being verbalized.

As the guards shackled Bran and led him away, one of them stopped to lock the door to Fenling’s room as he left. As soon as they were gone, Fenling ran to the door and tried to unlock it but her key wouldn’t work.

“Why won’t this open?” She jiggled the handle. “Oh crap, I know why. There’s a secondary latch and he locked that. We can’t get out through the door.”

“What are we going to do? Why did they take Bran?” I was starting to panic. It was then that I realized I wasn’t dressed. “I need something to wear?—”

At that moment, there was a sound over by the armoire.