Of course, Leah would pop in in the midst of it. "Whose measuring whose dick? I thought we already established that all of you are inadequate in that area." She chimed in the moment she fully connected. "And no, Aidan, your dumb piercings don't count for anything."
"Well, we all know he only got some extra help in the pleasure department because he had to make up for other areas that lacked." Ares snickered and snorted.
"At least I can make a woman come and know where the clit is, ya blubbering one-second wonder." Aidan's growing irritation showed through his thickening Scottish accent, making us all roll our eyes and chuckle.
"Alright boys, that's enough dick talk." Leah chuckled with a shake of her head. "What's the update? Have we decided on anything or have inklings of a plan?" Leave it to Leah to round us up like a mother done with her children.
"I say we need to remind everyone of who we are because they are starting to get a little cocky and resistant towards us." Ares threw in his two cents. "Sebastian and I will take a trip up north to help smoke out and rid the rats that have been festering for too long."
"I'd rather handle things not so violently, but it is obvious our more hands-off approaches won't cut it. So, Ares is right. We must reinstate ourselves and remind everyone who The Syndicate is and what we are all capable of." Sebastian agreed begrudgingly with a long sigh, running a hand down his face.
"I say the first on our list would be the old mafia we booted off the throne. We have been too lenient with them, and I am tired of trying to play nice to them." Screw respecting them and keeping in the little good graces they had. "It's not much, and I still have my men digging into things, but there has been talking of a revolt against us for them to reclaim their stake of New York."
"Some of my spies have been telling me the same thing, and apparently, it has been going on for a while without any indication of action, though. Which is why I have been holding my hand back." Aidan commented with an irritated sigh. "We need to nip it before it grows out of control."
"Alright, so it seems we are all on the same page about what needs to be done. Are we all in agreement to plan and act on ridding New York of the old mafia and running the streets red?" Ares seemed a little too excited with the storming bloodlust in his bright green eyes, and his crooked grin did nothing to help the growing edge.
Sebastian's shoulders rose and fell with a heavy breath before his voice filled out the speakers. "Those who are in agreement, raise their hand."
Simultaneously, the five of us raised our hands into the air, causing Ares to let out an excited shout of joy. "Finally! You have any idea how bored I've been getting over here in Miami?"
Chuckling, I opened my mouth to speak, but no words came out as my eyes locked with Juliet, who slipped off the couch onto her hands and knees. Clenching my jaw shut, I gave her a look of warning as she crawled over to me with a devious smirk and eyes full of mischief brattiness.
Not wanting to give anything away to the others, I kept my head pointed at the screen while I followed Juliet's sultry figure. I couldn't tear my eyes away from her plump ass swaying with each movement of her crawl as she came closer and closer, rounding the desk and looking up at me with such a determined coquettish smile. And damn my aching cock for twitching and straining to be freed from my pants at the sight of my lovely little vixen.
"Luciano!" Leah's voice snapped my attention away from my stunning lover, making me frown internally. "The hell was that?"
Straightening in my seat, I cleared my throat and quickly lied, "Sorry, I got distracted with coming up with a list of troublemakers I would love to throw into the ring."
"Luciano, you aren't seriously thinking about beating each and every single one of those people to death in a fight match, are you?" Leah asked with a concerned raise of her eyebrows. "But also, you are lying. Your eyes were watching something." And leave it to Leah to call us out on everything being the observant little shit she is.
"I—" I cut myself off by flinching and looking down between my legs with a tense expression.
Quickly, I hit the mute button and harshened my gaze at Juliet, who continued to palm the tent in my pants oh so casually. "Juliet," I growled lowly in warning, reaching a hand down to shove her away.
I didn't get a chance to do so because Sebastian was calling out to me. "Luciano, what's going on over there?"
With a seething, growling sigh, I looked back up at the monitor and forced a smile on my face as I unmuted myself. "Sorry, thought I saw something scamper by. Though maybe it was the runaway squirrel Juliet accidentally let in yesterday." I lied through gritted teeth.
Don't know how much of that they bought because it sounded stupid as fuck. "Just… Let's move on. We have a lot to plan." I changed the subject back onto the matter at hand, sucking in a breath when I felt Juliet's hand wrap itself around my engorged length. I don't even know when she unzipped me and got me out, but I couldn't do anything about it now without seeming weird to the others.
Fucking brat. I swear, I'm gonna take a belt to her ass after this.
As the conversation went underway, I tried my best to focus on it and contribute as much as possible because it was half my territory that was involved, but God fucking damn it, I couldn't. All my energy went to holding myself together, and my attention kept flickering to Juliet, who happily sucked my soul out from my cock.
No matter how inconvenient her timing was, I enjoyed it with such a guilty pleasure. If the others knew I was getting a blowjob in the middle of the damn meeting… Fuck they would never let me live it down. I couldn't bring myself to stop Juliet, though, even though it would be easy to grab her head and shove her off. Not only did her mouth and throat feel too damn good, but it was her boldness and confidence that did me in. I didn't want to crush her by rejecting her when I knew damn well this must have taken so much for her to get over her fears to do this without any kind of prompting or urging from me.
Leaning over onto my desk, I propped my arm up on an elbow and buried my face in my hands. Pretending to nurse a headache, I kept my fingers at my temples as I hung my head to look down at Juliet while my other hand tangled itself into the back of her hair.
Fuck she looked so perfect with her lips tightly wrapped around me while my cock was buried all the way down to the base. Then her tight throat swallowing me as she kept her struggling quiet pressed me right up against the wall of pure ecstasy.
Of course, one look into her big, brown, tear eyes filled with needy delight and cheekiness meant she knew what she was doing and its effects on me.
Little brat.
I was close, so close. Shallow breaths ached at my chest as I tried my best to keep control of my reactions in front of the others. Unfortunately, there was no helping the small groan from escaping when I felt my balls tighten and my release surge out of me into her eagerly waiting mouth.
"Luciano… You alright over there, man?" Aidan asked in a concerned voice, making me let out another groan, this one from the embarrassment spilling over.