Page 58 of Cardinal

Faking a pained smile because it was fucking painful to keep myself straight enough to lie to my friends while Juliet's sweet mouth milked me for all I had, I looked back at the camera with heavy breaths. "Bad migraine came out of nowhere." And unfortunately, it was going to stay because Juliet was going to be a damn headache and a half for the rest of our relationship, no doubt about it.

"Do you want me to come over and give you some meds?" Leah offered with a soft frown of worry.

"No, that's okay. I still have some from the last time you gave me some." I lied smoothly through a shudder. "I think I'll regroup with you guys later. I can't think straight right now. Just text me the details once you guys are done, and I'll add in my thoughts and shit." After I was through with Juliet for this little stunt.

"Alright, man, go relax with your girl, have her give you a massage and shit, unwind ya bit." Aidan chuckled softly, making me roll my eyes internally.

With a smile plastered, I bid everyone farewell and hung up the call. Immediately after hanging up, I fully slumped in my seat with a drawn-out groan, letting the aftershock of my release ride out with Juliet's soft suckling and giggles.

Lazily, I looked down at her proud expression. "You are in so much trouble." I strained out between my heavy breaths.

Seeing how happy and proud she was broke my hard exterior, causing me to crack an uncontrollable smile as I looked down at her adoringly.

Come on, I couldn't stay upset at such a cute face.

Granted, that didn't mean she would be getting away scot-free.

Giggling, she flicked her tongue against the underside of my half-hard dick. "Do you think you can give me another mouthful?"

"Sono così dannatamente fregato."

Chapter 30


~1 week later~

"Juliet Hong Agosti."

I wanted to duck my head and run away into a dark corner to hide from the confused looks my whole graduating class gave me as I walked up the stage to get my diploma. The cheering from Luciano, Aidan, Leah, Sebastian, Ares, Evie, and some of the bodyguards from the bleachers didn't do much to ease my shame and embarrassment either. Anyone who saw them standing up and cheering instantly snapped their gazes to me right afterward, looking at me almost pityingly and all concerned and shit.

Yeah, probably not the best to have a whole mafia mob cheer you on at your high school graduation and have your association with them be made rather public.

Even after all this time with everyone, it was still kind of strange to have people figure out my connection to Luciano and The Syndicate—as in me living with Luciano and being associated passively. I wasn't necessarily fully ashamed of the fact; it just felt weird still. Also, whenever people find out about it, they put me at a distance, and that sucked, especially with how I was trying to resume a mostly normal life. Having people distance me before they even knew me or spoke to me was a bit of a barrier.

Not everyone was that way, though. Those who were in good standing with The Syndicate were more than welcoming of me—I fucking wonder why (note the fucking sarcasm). On the opposite end of the spectrum, I have noticed more hostility toward me from those who weren't on good terms with The Syndicate or Luciano.

It wasn't nice or appreciated, but this was the life I chose to step into when I took Luciano's hand. So, I had to learn to live with it.

At least it wasn't too bad with all the bodyguards around me, and Luciano was feared enough that so far, no one dared to try anything with me. Hopefully, that won't be the case for long, though. I didn't want to rely on Luciano's name and The Syndicate to keep people at bay. I wanted to make a name for myself, one people would fear as much as Luciano.

No, I had no intention of joining the bloody crusade The Syndicate was planning. Just because I was fine with the violence and bloodshed didn't mean I would partake in it. As much as I loved seeing people's lives crumble to dust, I wanted to remain hands-off—physically. I haven't put my theories to the test yet, but from what I've gathered from my cousin and his friends, what I cooked up in my mind would be just as effective and deadly as Luciano in the ring.

Oh, rounding back to The Syndicate and their plans of purging New York: Luciano still hasn't told me jack shit despite promising me that day in the office. To be fair, though, I did distract and drain him pretty well that day, and we were both busy the past week. I was busy wrapping things up with school while Luciano was occupied with making arrangements with Aidan for the rest of the members and their men.

We were so busy that we barely had time to crawl into bed with each other at night to get eight hours of sleep. Yeah, unfortunately, there was no sexy business throughout the past week because of our schedules and exhaustion by the end of the day.

But that would change tonight.

"Juliet, do not—"

The way Luciano's face grew red and irritated at me blatantly defying him by downing the shot of alcohol and flipping him off made me want to laugh. For the sake of my ass later tonight, I held it back.

"Gutsy one you got there, Luciano." Ares laughed mirthfully. "I like her, and I haven't even fully met her." The Greek man with dashing green eyes winked and grinned at me before looking over to Luciano, who glared jealous daggers at him. "You better keep her, or I will kick your ass for letting someone who is an actual match for you go." He playfully threatened his friend.

"I am violent, not stupid." Luciano snarked with a sneer. "Too bad the same can't be said about you."

Ares cursed at Luciano in Greek before nursing his bottle of booze in a sulking manner.