When the elevator dings behind us, Mike waves to someone over my shoulder.
Ma gasps, clutching her hands together with a grin. “Is that her?”
“That’s her,” Mike confirms.
“She’s beautiful!”
Mike’s shout echoes. “Sienna!”
Behind me, a cheery, soprano voice calls, “Hi!”
I turn in the direction of the clicking heels. When she spots my face, she halts and the bright smile slips away.
The soft, round face I was just caressing minutes ago. That I watched contort in ecstasy as I made her come with my mouth between her legs.
“It’s so nice to meet you, Sienna!” Ma calls, and her voice kickstarts Sienna back to life. She plasters a smile on her face as she ambles toward us, far slower this time. “I’m Deb. And this is my son, Luke.”
Sienna stops at my side, folding her arms tight across her stomach. Her gaze flashes to mine for a second before she glances away again. “Nice to meet you,” she mumbles.
So that’s how we’re playing it. Pretending we haven’t already met. Pretending I haven’t already had my cock buried inside her.
Ma wraps her in a hug, and Sienna pats her on the back awkwardly before doing the same with Mike.
“I’ve missed you so much,” he tells her.
I can practically hear the thoughts swirling in her head. There’s no way this is fucking happening. There’s no way the guy I just hooked up with is my new stepbrother.
Ma backhands my arm. “Well, don’t just stand there, honey! Give her a hug. You’re family now.”
Little does she know, I’ve already given my new stepsister a warm welcome into the family.
Sienna stiffens when I step toward her, and her hands barely brush against my back as I hug her.
Her body is still as soft and inviting as it was when she was naked. I’ve seen my new stepsister naked. I’ve made her come. I’ve been inside her.
I can’t wait to do it again.
“Welcome to the family, sis.”
Chapter 7
I’m dead.
If our parents find out how Luke and I really met, they’ll ship me back to Wakefield in a heartbeat. Where Marcus and his henchmen will get their grubby hands on me.
As long as they’re still in Wakefield, I won’t survive a return trip home.
On our way to the airport, Dad asks me a million questions. He wants to know everything—my major, my hobbies, my future plans. Juliet would say he’s had years to learn this information about me, but I’m glad he’s actually trying. In the passenger seat, Deb searches through her carry-on for the millionth time. Miraculously, neither of them has picked up on the tangible tension between me and Luke.
Beside me, my new stepbrother is impossibly relaxed. Like he’s not at all terrified about our parents discovering we hooked up last night. Not at all bothered by the fact that we both unknowingly fucked our new step-sibling.
This morning, he’s in gray sweatpants that bring a lump to my throat. He’s gone from sophisticated man in a suit to college athlete in less than twelve hours, and his personality seems to have shifted with the wardrobe change.
Last night, the crease between his brows and the dip to his mouth told me he had the world weighing on his shoulders. Now, he’s got a spark in his gorgeous—no, not gorgeous, average, painfully average—gray eyes and a pep in his step. I guess getting laid really turned his mood around. Learning he fucked his new stepsister should’ve soured it, but he somehow seems happier than our just-married parents who are literally in the honeymoon phase.
Overhead, static voices announce delays and gate changes. When we reach the escalator that will take our parents up to security and off to their gate, Deb turns to Luke with glassy eyes. She throws her arms around him, blubbering into his shoulder. “Stay out of trouble, and keep an eye on Sienna.”