She sticks her tongue out at me, but she’s still grinning. “Seriously though, I’m really glad you found Sienna. You seem a lot happier.”
While the Novaks ask Juliet about her tattoos, Wes manages to extract himself from the photo shoot and wraps his arms around Violet from behind, dropping his chin to the top of her head. “Chloe would be happy for you too.”
Chloe would be happy I’m happy, and I’m sure wherever she is now, she’s rooting for us.
Violet squeezes my hand. “So would your dad.”
A lump catches in my throat. “Yeah.”
He’d be fucking over the moon to see me this happy with a girl I love.
“Luke!” My favorite voice in the world calls out over the crowd.
I can’t help but grin. Can’t take my eyes off her as she races toward me with a huge ass grin on her face, long brown hair flying behind her, and jumps into my arms.
Knox claps Damien and Finn on the shoulder. “All right, boys. Let’s go find us a puck bunny.”
Violet's nose scrunches. “One of these days, the three of you are going to fall for a girl and you won’t even think of another.”
Knox and Damien both chuckle. Even Finn flashes an amused grin. “That’ll be a cold day in hell,” Damien says.
Sienna turns my face to hers and the rest of the world goes quiet. Her green eyes mesmerize me exactly as they did that first time I saw her. The first time I saw her photo on social media, then again, when we finally met in person at that hotel bar. And every day since.
“I love you.” She doesn’t bother whispering or trying to hide it. She doesn’t give a fuck about that now. As long as we have each other, nothing else matters.
“I love you too, sweetheart.” She kisses me until I set her down. “I got you something.”
When I hand her the photos, her face lights up. “Oh my god! Are these the photos from the camera film?”
“Yep. Although I kept the one I took of you tied to my bed.”
She feigns a scowl before flipping through the photos, laughing even while the tears shimmer. The photo I took of her while she slept. A photo she snapped of Juliet in the library. Another that she took of Bud’s fuzzy face. The photo she snapped of me on a whim at that hotel bar. The story of our relationship, from the moment we met.
“You’re more than a pretty sight.” I lift the camera she gave me to snap another of her. The same words I said to her the night we met. “Way, way fucking more.”
She beams, cradling my cheek with a heartbreakingly gentle hand. “I knew this is how it would be with you.”
Chapter 35
Luke is helping me move my stuff out of my dorm. But the vibe in the room is completely different than when he helped me move in, when tension was making every muscle in my body tight.
Now there’s a different sort of tension. And it involves us trying to resist jumping each other’s bones on this bed for the last time. I’d happily take advantage of having the room to ourselves if we didn’t have to be out of here in twenty minutes.
Just a few months ago, I was so terrified about moving to Diamond and reuniting with my estranged father and meeting my new step-family. Now, I don’t want to imagine my life taking any other path.
“I don’t know how I’ll survive two months without you.” The easy smile stays glued to Luke’s face as he drapes his arms over my hips. I love how easily he smiles now. “Guess we’ll have to go back to texting every day like we have for the past five years.”
“Good plan. Question: When you text me, do I call you Luke or Ten? Ten is the hotter name, if I’m honest.”
“Use whatever name you want. As long as you call me yours.”
When Luke bends down to kiss me, my heart soars. Against his lips, I murmur, “Mine.”
His smile is gone now, gray eyes intense and brimming with the kind of love and adoration for me that makes my knees weak. “And you’re mine.”
He shreds his shirt and picks me up, setting me on the edge of the bed, and neither of us gives a shit about how much time we have left because we have the rest of our lives. He spreads my legs, pushing my panties to the side before sinking inside me with a groan. “Mine.”