Page 111 of Drown in You

“Yeah, I am.” He squeezes my hand, gray eyes turning serious. “Thank you for forgiving me. And giving me another chance. I promise to work every day to deserve it.”

Despite the little space on the bed, I cuddle up to him. He’s so warm. Hard and soft at the same time. My safe place. My harbor in the storm. He pulls me close, a protective arm around my back. “Thank you for being my rock. Always.”


Thanks to Deb and the video, we successfully pressed charges against Marcus, Stephen, and Kade for assault. We also finally got Marcus charged with revenge porn, and Deb’s team has been able to get the video virtually wiped from the internet, though I think the invasion of privacy will always haunt me.

All five of the Devils came out of the fight almost completely unscathed. I wish they’d been there the night Marcus and his buddies attacked me in the park, but I’m so fucking grateful they were there last week.

In the reflection of the full-length mirror in our dorm, Juliet chews her lip while staring at me. I freeze, the pink lipstick hovering in front of my mouth. “Why are you staring at me like that? Is there something wrong with my dress?”

Juliet is decked out in her usual all-black, skin-tight attire like she’s headed to a funeral instead of a graduation. She shakes her head, turning away from me. She can’t make eye contact when she’s uncomfortable. “Of course not. Pink is your color. I just...I’m sorry.”

“For what?” I’m genuinely confused.

“For all the shit with Marcus. He could’ve hurt you again.”

I set my lipstick down, and even though my best friend hates hugs, I wrap my arms around her. She groans, wriggling in my hold like a worm, but I don’t let her go. “Stop apologizing. It’s not your fault.”

“It’s my fault for fucking an asshole like Marcus.”

I pull back to face her. “No, he’s the only one to blame for this mess.” The lesson I’ve finally learned nearly a year later. Thanks to Luke. “Besides, it’s not your fault that assholes are your type.”

“Psychos are my type, not assholes,” she corrects.

I grin. “There’s a difference?”

“Huge. My psycho will secretly have a soft heart, just for me.”

My best friend is absolutely insane. And I love her for it. “I hope you find that someday.”

“You and me both. Too bad Trey Lamont already left campus.”

I snort. “Yeah, to you, he would’ve been a dreamboat.”

Juliet grabs her purse from her bed. “I’m glad you and Valentine worked it out. You deserve someone who makes you happy.” She tosses her purse over her shoulder. “Okay, enough cheesiness now. Let’s go to this fucking graduation.”

Chapter 34


After graduation, the Novaks guide all of us into poses with Wes in his cap and gown. A lump forms in my throat that Chloe can’t be here for him on his big day. But she’s watching from somewhere, cheering him on.

He’ll be playing for the NHL, and Violet will be joining him on the road when she graduates after the summer semester from her accelerated program.

My chest aches a little seeing them go, knowing two of my closest friends won’t be on campus with us next semester. But that doesn’t mean the end of our friendship. I’m sure I’ll be attending some of Wes’s games and he’ll come back to cheer us on, and I’ll need to be in attendance for all of Violet’s future book signings or she’ll threaten me with genital mutilation again.

I harbored jealousy of their relationship for a long time, but now I’m nothing but happy for them. That’s what happens when the girl who has your heart gives you hers.

While Juliet snaps photos of Wes and his parents with a bored expression, I sweep the crowd for Sienna. She’s disappeared somewhere among the graduates and their loved ones, and my heart skips, even though the assholes who jumped her are behind bars.

A tiny pair of arms flings around my middle, knocking the wind out of me. “I’m going to miss you!”

Violet beams up at me before dropping her arms and glancing at Wes. Even though he knows he can trust us, Wes Novak’s possessive streak is not to be tested.

I would know. Neither is mine.

“I’ll miss you too, pipsqueak.”