“So, what you are trying to say is you want me?”
More than I ever thought was possible. Not that I will ever say that out loud. Mellie gives him enough encouragement for the both of us with her constant need for him. Even now, she is chilling in her baby cot that had to be situated on top of the kitchen counter so she could see him.
“Come on, Beastie.” He leans over the counter. “Just admit you like me. It’s the truth anyway, you are just a stubborn little cub, refusing to come to terms with it.”
No shit, it’s the truth, but what do I do? I pick up the bagel and stuff my mouth with it, while still glaring, refusing to answer him and Matteo bursts out laughing.
“God, you are the most perfect woman out there.” He puts his hands around Mellie’s ears and whispers, “And I will fuck you so good as soon as I can.”
Sigh, meet Zoe.
“Please remind me who thought it was a good idea to invite Matteo tonight?” I ask the girls around me while still glaring at that frustrating man who is now happily chatting with Alec, Jacob, and Luke.
“Well, seeing as he now grows on your ass, it would be quite difficult to have you here without him, but also no one invited him. The stray just can’t get lost again,” my cheery best friend supplies and takes a long sip of her water.
We are all gathered at the beach, around the bonfire that is in front of our houses and the guys are grilling in our plain view.
With no shirts.
And while usually I would appreciate the fine male specimens in front of me…tonight, I only see one. With no shirt. Did I mention that?
Lord help me.
I stayed strong the whole day despite his teasing touches anytime he was around me. A brush of his fingers against mine as we passed in the hallway, his cheek against mine as he leaned in to take Mel from my arms and even the feeling of his front pressed against my back as he pretended to grab something from the kitchen cupboard where I was standing didn’t do me in.
But it seems my luck is running out with all of that tan, golden skin, peppered with salty water droplets from his earlier dip in the ocean and his damp long hair in disarray on display for my hungry eyes.
What are the chances no one will notice me licking his chest right about now?
“Don’t even think about it,” comes from Joy.
“What? What are you talking about?”
“Who me?” Joy mimics my forced-innocent tone, pointing to herself. “I am talking about that look on your face that says ‘From which side should I start licking him up first? The top to bottom or bottom to top?’”
“Definitely top to bottom,” Grace whispers with a giggle beside her.
“Why are you whispering?” Hope asks her in that same whisper while rocking my daughter in her arms.
“Because my husband is keeping track of all the times I talk about other men and that list is already too long.”
“Why is he keeping track?”
“To punish me,” she says with a smile that says she doesn’t mind those punishments too much.
“Okay, we are not here to talk about you and your husband’s perversions,” Joy interrupts. “I’ve heard enough about your broken vagina to last a lifetime already.”
“Keep your jealousy on the downlow, sister,” Grace shoots back. “But I agree. I’d much rather talk about Zoe and her cougar tendencies.”
That gets a groan out of me.
“I hate you. There are no cougar tendencies here. None,” I proclaim vehemently, but Matteo choses that exact moment to come running my way, crouching right in from of me.
“Are you all right, Beastie?” he asks, his forehead creased with concern, taking a lose strand of my hair and tucking it behind my ear and all I can do is nod because just the simplest of his touches, set me on fire. “I heard you groan.”
Dear Lord, for all that is holy do not whimper. Don’t you dare, Zoe.
“I’m fine,” comes out a lot squeakier than I want it to.