Page 76 of Tame the Beast

“All right then.” Matteo gets up but not before kissing my forehead and there goes my attempt at no whimpering.

Pathetic, I swear.

“Anything you’d like to say to me?” he whispers into my ear. His manly scent mixed with ocean breeze stirring my insides and with yet another whimper I shake my head. Matteo leans back, that sexy half smile of his firmly intact on his lips. “Take your time, Zo, I’ll be standing right there if something. Deciding whether I’ll taste your milky tits or your sweet pussy first. What do you think?” The bastard knows exactly what he’s doing to me right now.

“You are such a little shit.”

“Spank me, Mommy.” He winks, flashing me his wide grin and stands up leaving me up in flames over here. And mind you they are not the embarrassment ones. No, sir.

“Let me take my girl.” He extends his arms toward Mellie and Hope hands him my daughter who immediately nuzzles into his chest, placing her little hand on her favorite human and they walk off with him cooing sweet nothings to her, as if he didn’t just unlock yet another kink I wasn’t aware of having!

“No cougar tendencies, she says.” Grace cracks up. “So, like I was saying, go from top to bottom,” she adds.

“Stop that! I need you to talk me out of it, not encourage me.”

“And why would I do that?” she frowns at me.

“Because I can’t go there. Not with Matteo.”

“And why can’t you?”

“Gracie, he’s not going to stay for the long run. He’s not that type of a guy,” I tell her but even I have a hard time believing the words coming out of my mouth.

“Oh, right.” She nods, heavy on the sarcasm. “He’s just the type of a guy to stay with you through the whole fun that is child labor, jumping right into the role of a dad without running for the hills. The one to show up at your door to help you with the baby who is not his. The kind to keep living there, sleeping on that awful couch, cook for you, create cocktails inspired by you and come running as soon as he hears you groaning. Nooo, he’s definitely not that type of a guy.”

Damn it, why is she making such a good point right now and I have nothing to say back? I look to my best friend whom I can always count on to find the negatives in any situation. “Joy?” But she’s quietly wrinkling her nose. “JOY!”

“I hate it when you say smart things that make total sense, Gracie,” she finally says to her little sister, and I sag into the chair.

“Then how about the fact that he’s younger than me? What are people going to say?” I ask, lifting my hands up in question and all three sisters stare at me with one eyebrow raised.

“Do you want me to call Alec and Jacob over here so they can educate you on how many fucks should be given when it comes to societal norms?” Hope asks.

“God, no,” I groan. Those two have a personal issue with how normal people live in this world. So, they took it upon themselves to spread word that we shouldn’t give a damn about what is acceptable and not in society.

“Then, I really don’t see a problem. I say go for it,” Hope adds, and Gracie raises her hand. “I second that.” They both turn to Joy who’s been quiet, and they have some weird sisterly silent conversation at the end of which Joy rolls her eyes and looks to me.

“Look, I know I have been the one to talk you into kicking that puppy to the curb, but even I must admit that he’s good for you, Zoe.” She sighs as if it’s physically painful for her to admit she was wrong before. “Ever since he strolled into your life, you’ve been different. More alive. Happier. And that’s all I want for you. Life is that simple and not a series of horror films we were used to before.”

I look at her, my mouth agape and not believing that it’s my grumpy cactus of a friend who is saying this right now.

“Damn it, Joy.” I slump into my chair. “I needed you to be my voice of wisdom.”

“I am.”

“Then I’m doomed.”

“Nope, it looks like you are about to be thoroughly satisfied as soon as the doctor gives you a go ahead.” Hope giggles.

“How did it get to this? This should not be happening,” I cover my face with my hands. I still don’t seem to grasp that he really wants me. Us.

I want him. We want him.

“No, that should definitely be happening, because you deserve that kind of a man. Shed your fears off, Zo, they are just shackling you to a world of gray routine.”

She’s right isn’t she? Maybe I am enough for Matteo?

“Now”—she narrows her eyes to the scene in front of us—“what shouldn’t be happening is our husbands getting all cozy with Matteo. There is enough crazy between Jacob and Alec as it is,” Hope adds, pointing to the trio who are all staring at Luke’s crotch.