Page 3 of Bred By the Dragon

“Damn,” he says, abruptly separating us. His cock slips out of me, and I feel his come gush down my legs. “I broke it again.”

This is the second time now he’s orgasmed so hard that he tore the bench right out of the concrete.

I don’t think management is going to like that very much.



Damn it. I’m always breaking weak, pathetic human things. I’m just not designed to fit into the human world, as big as I am. They tried to build these benches with monsters in mind, but not dragons, I don’t think.

Attempt number five. I didn’t think it would take this long, but in a way... I’m glad it has. Sure, it costs a hell of a lot of money. I’m paying DreamTogether a sizable amount for my woman’s wages, but it’s worth it for the outcome. Not to mention that the process of trying to impregnate her has been delightful, if I’m being even mildly honest about it.

I do think of her as mine, now. I certainly haven’t had this much sex in my life. And even the first time with her, though it was tricky to fit, felt as if... our bodies knew each other. I can understand clearly what hers wants, what it needs, what’s too much and what’s not enough.

It’s good we only meet once a month, because if it were more frequent than that, I might simply run out of seed for how much I pour into her every time.

Gently I set the bench down, trying to fit the broken concrete back into place. I test its balance as I release it, to make sure it won’t fall over and hurt her.

I don’t know her name, so she’s simply become “woman” in my head. We’re not supposed to share information, even down to our names, though I’ve almost told her every time and just barely held it back.

Not that it would be too hard to find me if she wanted to. I’m one of perhaps a few dozen dragons left alive—most of whom are already mated, or are distant cousins of mine. Before finding DreamTogether, I reached out to every other female dragon I could find, looking for a mate of my own. It’s a little more clinical than online dating when you’re the last remaining members of your species. Each of them understood why I was asking such a forward question.

But no, they were all spoken for.

Now I’m glad I chose DreamTogether, because I think this woman will be the perfect carrier for my hatchling. She’s strong, with wide hips, broad shoulders, and an impressive butt. I love to see her dark brown flesh squeezed in my claws, bulging out between them.

They really did pick the perfect one for me.

The question remains if it will work. Five visits deep, and still not a positive result yet.

I know we’re compatible with humans, as one of the other dragons I reached out to has a human partner of her own, and they’ve birthed two hatchlings together. DreamTogether assured me that genetically speaking, there should be no problem, though it might be a challenging pregnancy for the human.

I had to pay extra for that, but I don’t mind. I haven’t been hoarding for three hundred years for nothing. This is really a drop in the bucket—though I will have to fly home soon and get more things to pawn. I have a man now who’s used to me, and has some connections with underground collectors.

I run my claws gently down her back, to the big swell of her ass and then to her pussy, which is gaping and leaking with me. She’s lovely all full of me like this, used and still spasming. I lean down between her legs and extend my long, forked tongue to push my seed back into her, and she writhes.

“Again?” she asks, panting. Oh, it’s tempting. But our session took so long—not that I’m complaining—that I think we’re almost out of time.

“I would love to,” I tell her, my tail winding up the bench to caress her thigh. “They may get grumpy with us, though.”

She scoffs. “What are they going to do, drag you out of here?”

I chuckle and squeeze her again. “Hungry woman,” I say, enjoying how she responds to my every touch. “Perhaps I should?—”

There comes a loud knock. “Time is up,” a voice says, and I sigh deep in my throat.

“I’m sorry,” I tell her in a more sincere tone. Most of the time I’m trying to rile her up so her lovely cunt tightens up around me, but now I want to be honest with my feelings. “If I could, I would.”

She just nods, and then I get a peek at her cheek as she turns her head. I love all of her big, voluminous black curls, how wild and free they are. They bounce with her slightest movement.

“I’m torn,” she says, a little melancholy in her voice. “I’m sorry you have to keep paying and trying. But I always hope that there will be a next time.”

I smile, even though she can’t see it. “I know precisely what you mean.” My cocks slowly retract, until my slit closes up around them once more. “I have... enjoyed my time with you.”

She swallows tightly. “Me, too.”

“I’m sorry about this,” I say, tapping the bench and making it rock. “Did I frighten you?”