Her hearty laughter fills the quiet, sterile room. “No. It scared me the first time, but not anymore.”
That’s a relief to hear.
I feel uncharacteristically bold, so I drop down onto my forelegs to lick her once more, from her clit to her ass, and she shakes.
“Don’t wind me up,” she says, a playful note in her voice.
“All right.” I rise up again. “Thank you.” I wish I had her name, but that’s not why we’re here. If she wanted me to know it, she would have figured out how to tell me already, despite the cameras listening and watching.
“Bye.” She wiggles her butt, and I tap it once with my claw before stepping out of the room.
I do keep a home in the city, just so I don’t need to fly far up north to my mountain every time I visit. The house is stark, with little furniture but built large enough to accommodate my size. I’m not sure who owned it before I did, but I have a feeling a bigfoot lived here, because I find long, brown hairs sometimes underneath the furniture that was left behind.
Between my sessions at DreamTogether, I often head to the other side of town, where a sassy imp named Rodney lurks in his dark little pawn shop. I bring things from my hoard that I’m willing to part with, and he tells me what he thinks he can get for them. He negotiates ruthlessly, starting at insulting prices before he’ll get anywhere near what it’s worth.
It frustrates me endlessly to say goodbye to these priceless treasures, but that’s the cost of getting what I want.
The rest of the time, I simply wait. Dragons are good at waiting. We spend decades upon decades waiting. I eat when I need to, which normally isn’t often—but after fucking my human today, and taking my time about it, I find myself absolutely ravenous.
I devour the bit of fresh meat left in the refrigerator, but it’s not nearly enough, so I decide it’s time to head back to my mountain tomorrow. It’s time for another payment to DreamTogether, so I’ll have to get another treasure for Rodney, which requires quite a lot of thought. Who knows how many more times I’ll need to visit for my seed to stick? Before signing up, I went through the proper testing, and they determined I had a reasonable sperm count—though no other dragons have ever signed up, so they had little to compare to.
“Difficulty conceiving with monsters is fairly common,” the clinician said at my last check-up. “Give it a few more tries, and then we’ll investigate further.”
Not that I’m complaining. Before this, I had only copulated a few times with others, notably a centaur woman I met in Italy when I was on a world tour. But it ended up being casual, and besides, I couldn’t reproduce with her.
Perhaps it’s vain, but I don’t want to be the last of my kind. Our gene pool may be small, but there is still hope for us. I want to see dragonkind flourish again, to discover where we fit in the modern world. It does come with some amazing conveniences, after all, such as tiny computers that have access to all the information available on the planet, pretty much anywhere I choose to go. We even get reception at my mountain, though it’s weak.
On my way home, I search the treetops for game trails, until I’ve located a herd of deer heading north. I swoop down, following them until they reach a small meadow before I fly in for the kill.
Once I’ve had my fill, I continue on into the flaming sunset until I see a familiar distant peak come into view.
My home. I’ve lived in this mountain for my entire life after inheriting it from my parents. My mother died, nearly three hundred years ago now, of the same disease that killed many of the other dragons of their age. My father, bound to her by the heart as he was, passed away soon after, as dragons usually do. Then I was left with the mountain in my care.
I’ve done my best to watch over it and the hoard they left for me since then. Some of it came from their parents centuries before, and there are many relics among the collection that I would never sell off to a pawn shop. Over time, I’ve arranged many of our greatest treasures into a sort of museum where I can appreciate these pieces of history. The sword of Genghis Khan. The armor of a long-dead samurai. A piece of Medusa’s stone hair.
It is still hard to choose which piece will go next, which of these lesser treasures that serve as memories of my family will be the next sacrifice.
When I land on the ledge, the moon is shining and the stars are bright. As I step into the grand tunnel that leads deeper in the mountain, I think how marvelous this trip was, how much I enjoyed watching my cock slide in and out of my woman’s beautiful body. How soft and yet powerful she felt around me, how each of her pretty moans and sweet cries drove me wilder and wilder.
I try to hold it back, so I don’t hurt her, but sometimes I can’t help myself with the way she milks me like her soft cunt is trying to suck me dry. I will never forget that, as long as I live.
Already my cocks are extruding just thinking about it, and I have to stifle a groan. Great. I’m not going to be able to sleep tonight unless I deal with this.
I wrap one hand around each of my cocks, and stroke them in alternating time thinking of her, those soft ass cheeks spread open for me, the lips of her marvelous sex stretched wide around me. I wonder what she looks like. Do her human breasts bounce the way her butt does? If I didn’t have that big bench underneath her, would I hurt her in my rutting?
I suppose these questions don’t matter, as I’ll never have answers for them. I’ll never know what she looks like, and I will never get to fuck her without the bench. I bet she’s adorable, though, as most humans are with their squashed little faces.
Imagining what she might look like, I stroke all the way from the head of each of my cocks, down the shaft to the swell, and then wrap my claws around the base. That’s where she held me tight inside her.
It doesn’t take long for me to reach my finish, and I’m shocked by how much wet, white seed spurts out of me, decorating the floor of the cave.
Hell. Now I have to clean up.
Doing the long drive from DreamTogether back to my house in the boonies is my least favorite part of the trip. All I can think about is how wonderful my session was today, and how I wish I could do it more than once a month.