Page 53 of Lost Treasure

“I will explainit to her. Don’t worry. She’ll be back soon.”

Narro movedinto the room and shut the door in Kekoa’s face.

“It isn’t hisfault.” She stated as he set her on the bed.

“It is. He issupposed to guard you while you are in an open state. You can’t doit. Yes, his omega is cute, but you should not have been left alonewith him. His instincts are to keep his alpha available to him.That may mean cutting off your connection before it is solid.”

“That isunpleasant.”

He chuckled.“It is. Are you in agreement that I have sex with you?”

She looked athim. “We dance well together.”

He nodded. “Wecertainly do.”

She opened herclothing while he undressed. When he came to her arms, it was warmand secure. He didn’t let her drop, and he didn’t let her down.When he bit her, he was firmly inside her, and she shivered as hisbody wrapped around hers from behind.

The third timeshe came, she felt the connection between them thicken, and then,like it had been popped loose, the connection with Kekoa was backin place.

He had his armunder her body and across her breast while the other arm held herhips. Narro moved slowly with her, and she felt pleasure build andthen burst into a thousand tiny shards.

The dooropened, and she turned her head to kiss Narro. They continued tomove lazily together.

Kek knelt nearthem. “You are back.”

Narro smiledand lifted his head. “She certainly is.”

She shiveredand looked back at Kek. “It’s embarrassing, but I feel better. I amactually feeling right now.”

Hara let thewarmth and security lap across the links in waves.

Kek looked alittle sad, but he smiled. “I am glad. Narro, we will discuss whyyou are black with pointed ears when you two have finishedhere.”

Narro chuckled.“I suppose you don’t have many dark Elite out here.”

Hara yawned andpatted his arm. “There are a bunch of them back where I came from,and they are very good mates for the women who have them. They arealso fairly fertile.”

Narro chuckled.“More like extremely attuned to our mates.”

Hara felt fearand embarrassment, and she looked toward the door. “Come on in,Alo. It’s fine.”

Alo rushed inand lay next to her, pressing against her and whimpering softly. Hewas apologizing through the link, and their connection was now nolonger a thin ribbon, it was a wide cable half the size of Kek’s.The link to Narro was long and straight.

Hara sighed andstroked Alo’s cheek.

Narro chuckled.“So, that was slow and careful. I look forward to your heat.”

Kek paused.“Heat?”

“Oh, yes, thiskind of beta goes through a heat.”

Alo swallowed.“That is why the fowl showed up from Emerald Island.”

“Yeah. Ven toldme it takes about a week to go from nothing to a heat whenconsuming those birds. Weird. Good thing they only show up onEmerald.”

Kek shook hishead. “They are here; they just remain in the deep jungle.”

Hara’s eyeswidened. “The cats. That’s why the cats.”