Page 54 of Lost Treasure

Kek chuckled.“Panthers. They were trying to get up here.”

Hara smiledsoftly. “Cute babies.”

Narro kissedher shoulder. “I am working on it.”

She snorted,reached back, and threaded her fingers through his hair. She made afist. “Don’t try too hard.”

He laughed andnipped her shoulder. “We will practice all the time to get you usedto the idea.”

Kek watchedthem, and his eyes burned.

Hara got it.“Oh, separate rooms for alphas. Got it.”

Kek muttered,“Free her.”

Narro chuckled.“The point has been made.”

She knew whatthe point was. Narro slid out of her, and when she shifted forward,Alo hugged her and sobbed. The cascade of fluids out of her wasdistracting, but Alo’s hug demanded attention.

Narro muttered,“Don’t worry, Hara, your marks are sealed this time.”

She smiled andhugged Alo hard. “It’s okay, baby bunny. Bite me again, and I breakyour nose.”

He laughed andhiccupped.

Kek sighed andrelaxed. Hara smiled that it had been Alo’s guilt causing so muchof the issue. Kek had felt it immediately, of course. She hadn’tfelt anything, not even her own emotions.

Now, she feltwarm and pretty. Narro was stroking her back. He had told her shewas gorgeous, intelligent, and the thing that made her feel twelvefeet tall. He said she was strong and a survivor. She was prettysure that it had caused her to cum on the spot. She had her alphaand didn’t have to share him unless Alohi made a move.

She let Alo goand wiped his tears. “Feeling better?”

He sniffled andnodded.

“Bunny, can youget me some more clothes?”

“Yes, my beta.”He wrinkled his nose.

She snorted andthen was facing Kek. She inclined her head. “My alpha.”

He smiled, butit was a sad smile. “Nothing happens easily for you.”

“Nope. Nostraight lines in my destiny.” She shrugged.

Narro got upbehind her and wrapped his arms around her. “We will be on thelookout for speed wobbles.”

“Thanks. Oh,are Ven and the guys still here?”

Kek nodded.“Yes. They said it was time for the babies to get used to beingovernight with the dragon, shark, and dragon?”

She smiled.“Good.”

Alo came backin with an alpha-sized wrap for Narro and her normal clothes. Narrosmiled and sent a flare of cold fire over them both to take care ofbiologicals.

She quickly gotdressed, and he accepted Kek’s assistance with the wrap, and soon,they were all dressed. Hara straightened her legs and wobbled alittle as she left the room and headed for the main floor.

Ven andReynaldo were cuddling while Syar played with the kittens. Thehousehold staff was serving them with deference.

Ven grinned.“You look better. Exhausted but better.”