Page 39 of Lost Treasure

“Ah. So, youare feeling better?”

“Yes, YourMajesty.” She kept her head down and tried to guess his mood, butwithout a link, she could only go by body language.

He beckoned hercloser, and she stepped toward him. He tapped his lips, and sheglanced at the alphas and betas watching but kissed him. His handssnagged her and pulled her onto his lap.

The alphassnickered, and the betas stared.

The kiss wasdeep, and she felt the amusement when he tasted Alohi. Damn, shehad forgotten to brush her teeth.

He chuckled,and as he kissed her, she felt his fingers dragging her skirt up.That was the point where she started to struggle. Having her bitson display to strangers wasn’t on the agenda.

Kekoa’s fingerstouched her and slipped and slid. She started panicking at beingwatched and struggled.

Alohi steppedforward. “Kek. There are people here she doesn’t know.”

The kiss thathad been pulling at her soul eased, and he lifted his head. “Isthat the problem?”

She blinked andnodded.

He lifted hishead and simply said, “Out.”

There waslaughter from the alphas, and they ushered the betas out. Haravinlistened to the humiliating conversations about betas who radiatedheat.

She looked upat Kek warily. “I don’t like being watched by strangers.”

He smiled. “Iunderstand, Hara. So, playing with Alohi was fun?”

He slipped afinger into her, and she blinked as her body tried to drown himout. He laughed. He slid a second finger inside, and shegasped.

“Well, that ispromising. You are holding tight, but no pain?”

“No pain.”

He grinned.“Good.” He slid in a third finger, and that was when she rememberedhow large his hands were.

The breathwhooshed out of her, but there was still no pain.

His hand moved,and there was a distinctly squelching sound.

Alohi came overand was watching Kek’s hand. “Wow. She’s really wet.”

Hara squirmedagainst Kek’s hand. “I am trying to figure out if this feels goodor not.”

Alohi reachedforward and stroked her clit for a moment and then licked hisfingers. “Oh, wow. I should have tried something this morning. Shetastes like she smells.”

Kek continuedto move his hand inside her, and with the extra fingers on herclit, she tensed, trembled, and clenched hard around his fingers asa slow pulsing orgasm moved through her... and out of her. Herthighs and Kek’s hand were soaked.

Alohi whined,and Kek held his hand to him.

Hara hid herface against Kek. Their expressions were a little too intense.

Kek chuckledand said, “I think he is taking the meat off the bone.”

She slammed herthighs together.

He laughed andkissed her again. She tasted herself on him and slowly responded.He gave her enough care that she started rubbing her thighstogether.

When he raisedhis head, he asked, “So, what do you call me?”