He nipped herlip, and she felt the graze of his canine.
He leaned backand narrowed his eyes. “Are you kidding?”
He sighed. “So,not until you wear the mark, huh?”
“Well, it isn’taccurate until then. If you find a beta who suits you better, itwill be their title to use.”
Kek lifted herhigher and looked at her eye to eye. “Why are you so stubborn?”
“Because thelast time I thought an alpha was mine, he wasn’t. So, until youconfirm it, I am just going to keep to myself, Your Majesty.” Sheshrugged apologetically.
He sighed.“Right.”
Alohi paused,“Hara, did you want to go surfing today? It will take your mindoff... things.”
“Yeah, I doubtI will be able to get specific things out of my mind. Sure, Iwouldn’t mind learning to surf.”
Kek nodded. “Inthat case, have breakfast and head down to the beach. I will joinyou.”
She blinked.“You will?”
“Of course.Alohi never goes too far from my sight. The tourists occasionallystray and think time with an omega would be fun.”
“Okay.” Shesquirmed off his lap and ended up at his side. Alohi grinned andheaded to the kitchen to tell them that they were ready to eat.
She washed herhands in the bowl, and Alohi and Kek reached for food. “For thelove of... wash your hands!”
They bothlaughed at her but washed their fingertips before eating. Shesettled in on a few bites of bread and fruit.
Kek rolledtogether some meat and a steamed vegetable. He held it out.“Open.”
She nodded andate the offering.
He fed both herand Alohi in turn, and she smiled. They were groaning, and they hadto take a household guard with them first until Kek could catch upwith them.
People didn’tbother with clothing, and Alohi just had to speak to someone withsurfboards, and they had two boards ready for use.
Alohi askedher, “Are you a strong swimmer?”
“No, but if Iget in trouble, I will drop to the ocean floor and walk in.”
Alohi smiled.“Right. Nice backup.”
“I thinkso.”
They waited forforty minutes, and she met a few more locals with Alohi making thedelighted introductions.
When Kekoaappeared, he had a shorter wrap on and was carrying a surfboard astall as he was.
The sound ofthe surf was steady, and it was the sound she heard when she slept.That, and Kek and Alohi breathing.
The instructionbegan, and a woman came over and offered her a shorter wrap thattied over one thigh and a band that didn’t have much support butwould help her out. She smiled. “Thank you.”